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Maine Mania Festival - Event results

Maine Mania Festival - Dramatic Duet Acting Final results

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1Brandon Fricke and Maddie MoellerGlenbard East
1Liza Passalino and Mac MylesLake Forest
2Danya Moodabagil and Sara RansomLake Forest
2Peyton Moore and Sara PerretLake Forest
3Jay Garcia and Kara WitkowskiMaine East
3Jillian Ness and Mika Ichiki-WelchesMaine South
3Catherine Bustos and Nicole JovicevicMaine West
4Courtney Bowdry and Jordyn WallaceJoliet West
5Alyssa Chevere and Natalie HilvertBartlett
5Kim Turner and Stephanie TurnerGlenbard East
5Demi Kallis and Mary GoersHinsdale Central
5Adrian Delgado and Brittney ManguraliMaine East
6Kelsey Kott and Sam GeoffreyGlenbard East

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