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Team results

Butte College
A College team from California

Viewing results from 2024-2025. Change season:

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Team sweepstakes results
Competitor results

Team sweepstakes results
3Mustang Invitational65

Competitor results

Mustang Invitational - Final results
Grace Muster1Open After Dinner Speaking (ADS)Open
Ginger Gage-Nichols2Open After Dinner Speaking (ADS)Open
Jacob Toste2Novice Informative Speaking (INF)Novice
Zoe Bratton2Novice Program Oral Interpretation (POI)Novice
Mylo Spangler3Novice Program Oral Interpretation (POI)Novice
Nicholas Amezcua3Novice After Dinner Speaking (ADS)Novice
Ginger Gage-Nichols4Open Poetry Interpretation (POE)Novice
Grace Muster4Open Program Oral Interpretation (POI)Open
Ginger Gage-Nichols5Open Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Novice
David Thorwaldson6Novice After Dinner Speaking (ADS)Novice
David Thorwaldson6Open Program Oral Interpretation (POI)Open
Jacob Toste6Novice Impromptu Speaking (IMP)Novice
Zoe Bratton6Open Poetry Interpretation (POE)Novice
Madisen WielandFin.Open Impromptu Speaking (IMP)Open
OATS 4 (Online Asynchronous Tournament Series) - Final results
David Thorwaldson5After Dinner Speaking (ADS)Varsity
Lilly Brown6Prose Interpretation (PRO)Varsity
OATS 5 (Online Asynchronous Tournament Series) - Final results
Julia Irvine1Program Oral Interpretation (POI)Varsity
Ginger Gage-Nichols4Program Oral Interpretation (POI)Varsity
Ginger Gage-Nichols5Poetry Interpretation (POE)Varsity
Paul Winters & Pat Kennedy Invitational - Final results
Ginger Gage-Nichols1Novice Poetry Interpretation (POE)Novice
Jacob Toste1Novice Informative Speaking (INF)Novice
Grace Muster3Open After Dinner Speaking (ADS)Open
Lilly Brown3Novice Persuasive Speaking (PER)Novice
Maggie Wolfe3Novice Informative Speaking (INF)Novice
Mylo Spangler3Novice Prose Interpretation (PRO)Novice
Ginger Gage-Nichols4Open After Dinner Speaking (ADS)Open
Madisen Wieland4Open Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Novice
Madisen Wieland4Open Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT)Open
Maggie Wolfe4Novice Prose Interpretation (PRO)Novice
Zoe Bratton4Novice Poetry Interpretation (POE)Novice
David Thorwaldson5Open After Dinner Speaking (ADS)Novice
Grace Muster5Open Program Oral Interpretation (POI)Open
Lilly Brown5Novice Prose Interpretation (PRO)Novice
Madisen Wieland6Open Impromptu Speaking (IMP)Open
Ginger Gage-NicholsFin.Open Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Novice

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