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Team results

A High School team from Nebraska

Viewing results from 2020-2021. Change season:

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Team sweepstakes results
Competitor results

Team sweepstakes results
2NSAA District B-5 (Minden)208

Competitor results

Adams Central Speech Meet - Final results
Grace Lee1Novice Oral Interpretation of Humorous Prose (HP)Novice
Megan Althouse2Novice Informative Speaking (INF)Novice
Brooks Glanzer3Varsity Extemporaneous Speaking (ES)Varsity
Luke Johnson4Novice Entertainment Speaking (ENT)Novice
Trinity Petty4Novice Oral Interpretation of Poetry (POE)Novice
Andre Casillas6Varsity Oral Interpretation of Serious Prose (SP)Varsity
Connor Carpenter and Peyton Schoone6Varsity Duet Acting (DA)Varsity
Evan Porter, Raegan Horner and Sara Shirley6Varsity Oral Interpretation of Drama (OID)Varsity
Jessica Tunnell6Novice Persuasive Speaking (PER)Novice
Brooks Glanzer and Leah LivingstonFin.Varsity Duet Acting (DA)Varsity
Abby Fiske and Alaina SuchslandFin.Varsity Duet Acting (DA)Varsity
Connor CarpenterFin.Varsity Informative Speaking (INF)Varsity
Marah DornhoffFin.Novice Informative Speaking (INF)Novice
Haileigh ReidFin.Novice Informative Speaking (INF)Novice
Olivia SheldonFin.Varsity Persuasive Speaking (PER)Varsity
Peyton SchooneFin.Varsity Entertainment Speaking (ENT)Varsity
Bailey RogersFin.Novice Informative Speaking (INF)Novice
Kevin ArandaFin.Varsity Oral Interpretation of Serious Prose (SP)Varsity
Andre Casillas, Bailey Rogers and Grace LeeFin.Varsity Oral Interpretation of Drama (OID)Varsity
Alaina SuchslandFin.Varsity Informative Speaking (INF)Varsity
Kaleigh MelroyFin.Varsity Oral Interpretation of Poetry (POE)Varsity
Mercedes HolmesFin.Varsity Entertainment Speaking (ENT)Varsity
Sara ShirleyFin.Varsity Oral Interpretation of Serious Prose (SP)Varsity
Evan PorterFin.Varsity Informative Speaking (INF)Varsity
Jakoby LoiblFin.Varsity Oral Interpretation of Humorous Prose (HP)Varsity
Jakoby LoiblFin.Varsity Oral Interpretation of Serious Prose (SP)Varsity
Raegan HornerFin.Varsity Oral Interpretation of Poetry (POE)Varsity
Mercedes HolmesFin.Varsity Oral Interpretation of Humorous Prose (HP)Varsity
Lauren LabenzFin.Varsity Informative Speaking (INF)Varsity
NSAA District B-5 (Minden) - Final results
Evan Porter, Raegan Horner and Sara Shirley1Oral Interpretation of Drama (OID)Class B-5
Jakoby Loibl1Oral Interpretation of Humorous Prose (HP)Class B-5
Jakoby Loibl2Oral Interpretation of Serious Prose (SP)Class B-5
Mercedes Holmes2Entertainment Speaking (ENT)Class B-5
Abby Fiske3Persuasive Speaking (PER)Class B-5
Brooks Glanzer3Extemporaneous Speaking (ES)Class B-5
Grace Lee3Oral Interpretation of Humorous Prose (HP)Class B-5
Peyton Schoone3Entertainment Speaking (ENT)Class B-5
Brooks Glanzer and Leah Livingston4Duet Acting (DA)Class B-5
Sara Shirley4Oral Interpretation of Poetry (POE)Class B-5
Andre Casillas6Oral Interpretation of Serious Prose (SP)Class B-5
Connor Carpenter and Peyton Schoone6Duet Acting (DA)Class B-5
Megan Althouse6Informative Speaking (INF)Class B-5
Olivia Sheldon6Persuasive Speaking (PER)Class B-5

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