Click on a tournament name to view results from that tournament, a competitor name to view results for that competitor, an event to view the team's results in that event, or a final place to view the other results in that event at that tournament.
Keetyn Valentine | 1 | Oral Interpretation of Poetry (POE) | Varsity |
Angel Carias | 2 | Oral Interpretation of Humorous Prose (HP) | Varsity |
Valori Olson | 2 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Valori Olson | 2 | Persuasive Speaking (PER) | Varsity |
Angel Carias and Braxton Small | 3 | Duet Acting (DA) | Varsity |
Caroline Slama | 3 | Persuasive Speaking (PER) | Varsity |
Keetyn Valentine | 3 | Program Oral Interpretation (POI) | Varsity |
Autumn Lindsley | 4 | Entertainment Speaking (ENT) | Varsity |
Autumn Lindsley | 5 | Impromptu (IMP) | Varsity |
Hannah Scribner and Joey Scribner | 5 | Duet Acting (DA) | Varsity |
Caroline Slama | 1 | Oral Interpretation of Poetry (POE) | Varsity |
Natalie Summers | 1 | Informative Speaking (INF) | Varsity |
Braxton Small | 2 | Oral Interpretation of Serious Prose (SP) | Varsity |
Angel Carias, Autumn Lindsley, Natalie Robak and Neil Olson | 3 | Oral Interpretation of Drama (OID) | Varsity |
Autumn Lindsley | 3 | Informative Speaking (INF) | Varsity |
Braxton Small | 3 | Program Oral Interpretation (POI) | Varsity |
Justine Fountain | 4 | Entertainment Speaking (ENT) | Varsity |
Justine Fountain | 5 | Informative Speaking (INF) | Varsity |
Hannah Scribner | 1 | Oral Interpretation of Serious Prose (SP) | Varsity |
Mikah Mittleider | 1 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Neil Olson | 2 | Oral Interpretation of Humorous Prose (HP) | Varsity |
Chloe Foss | Fin. | Oral Interpretation of Humorous Prose (HP) | Varsity |
Angel Carias and Braxton Small | 1 | Duet Acting (DA) | Varsity |
Hannah Scribner, Joey Scribner, Keetyn Valentine, Mikah Mittleider and Natalie Summers | 2 | Oral Interpretation of Drama (OID) | Varsity |
Valori Olson | 2 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Valori Olson | 2 | Persuasive Speaking (PER) | Varsity |
Angel Carias, Autumn Lindsley, Caroline Slama and Neil Olson | 3 | Oral Interpretation of Drama (OID) | Varsity |
Hannah Scribner and Joey Scribner | 3 | Duet Acting (DA) | Varsity |
Keetyn Valentine | 3 | Program Oral Interp (POI) | Varsity |
Angel Carias | 4 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Varsity |
Caroline Slama | 4 | Poetry Interpretation (POE) | Varsity |
Autumn Lindsley | 5 | Entertainment Speaking (ENT) | Varsity |
Caroline Slama | 5 | Persuasive Speaking (PER) | Varsity |
Braxton Small | 6 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Varsity |
Braxton Small | 6 | Program Oral Interp (POI) | Varsity |
Joey Scribner | 6 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Keetyn Valentine | 6 | Poetry Interpretation (POE) | Varsity |
Kaylee Bartak | 1 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Novice |
Mikah Mittleider | 1 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Novice |
Mikah Mittleider | 2 | Persuasive Speaking (PER) | Novice |
Angel Carias | 1 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Varsity |
Keetyn Valentine | 2 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Varsity |
Keetyn Valentine | 2 | POI (P/PR) | Varsity |
Angel Carias and Braxton Small | 3 | Duet Acting (DA) | Varsity |
Braxton Small | 3 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Varsity |
Keetyn Valentine | 3 | Poetry Interpretation (POE) | Varsity |
Valori Olson | 3 | Persuasive Speaking (PER) | Varsity |
Hannah Scribner | 6 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Varsity |
Neil Olson | 6 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Varsity |
Caroline Slama | 1 | Poetry Interpretation (POE) | Varsity |
Natalie Summers | 3 | Informative Speaking (INF) | Varsity |
Valori Olson | 3 | Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT) | Varsity |
Caroline Slama | 5 | Persuasive Speaking (PER) | Varsity |
Braxton Small | 6 | POI (P/PR) | Varsity |
Braxton Small | 1 | Varsity Oral Interpretation of Serious Prose (SP) | Varsity |
Keetyn Valentine | 1 | Varsity Oral Interpretation of Poetry (POE) | Varsity |
Valori Olson | 1 | Varsity Persuasive Speaking (PER) | Varsity |
Angel Carias | 2 | Varsity Oral Interpretation of Humorous Prose (HP) | Varsity |
Keetyn Valentine | 2 | Varsity Oral Interpretation of Serious Prose (SP) | Varsity |
Valori Olson | 2 | Varsity Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Angel Carias and Braxton Small | 3 | Varsity Duet Acting (DA) | Varsity |
Keetyn Valentine | 3 | Varsity POI (POI) | Varsity |
Angel Carias, Braxton Small, Nat Robak and Neil Olson | 4 | Varsity Oral Interpretation of Drama (OID) | Varsity |
Neil Olson | 5 | Varsity Oral Interpretation of Humorous Prose (HP) | Varsity |
Natalie Summers | 6 | Varsity Informative Speaking (INF) | Varsity |
Catlyn Kratochvil, Chloe Foss, Kaylee Dresch, Natalie Robak and Sophia Slonecker | 4 | Varsity Oral Interpretation of Drama (OID) | JV |
Kaylee Dresch | 4 | Varsity Oral Interpretation of Serious Prose (SP) | JV |
Chloe Foss | 6 | Varsity Oral Interpretation of Humorous Prose (HP) | JV |
Hannah Scribner | 1 | Varsity Oral Interpretation of Serious Prose (SP) | Varsity |
Hannah Scribner and Joey Scribner | 6 | Varsity Duet Acting (DA) | Varsity |
Hannah Scribner, Joey Scribner, Kaylee Bartak, Natalie Summers and Sidnee Busch | 3 | Varsity Oral Interpretation of Drama (OID) | Varsity |
Angel Carias and Braxton Small | 5 | Duet Acting (DA) | Varsity |
Keetyn Valentine | 6 | Poetry (POE) | Varsity |
Angel Carias, Autumn Lindsley, Braxton Small and Neil Olson | 3 | Oral Interpretation of Drama (OID) | Varsity |
Angel Carias and Braxton Small | 1 | C1-2 Duet Acting (DA) | Class C1-2 |
Angel Carias | 1 | C1-2 Oral Interpretation of Humorous Prose (HP) | Class C1-2 |
Autumn Lindsley, Brittin Valentine, Natalie Robak and Neil Olson | 1 | C1-2 Oral Interpretation of Drama (OID) | Class C1-2 |
Braxton Small | 1 | C1-2 Oral Interpretation of Serious Prose (SP) | Class C1-2 |
Keetyn Valentine | 1 | C1-2 Oral Interpretation of Poetry (POE) | Class C1-2 |
Keetyn Valentine | 1 | C1-2 Program Oral Interpretation (POI) | Class C1-2 |
Natalie Summers | 1 | C1-2 Informative Speaking (INF) | Class C1-2 |
Valori Olson | 1 | C1-2 Persuasive Speaking (PER) | Class C1-2 |
Autumn Lindsley | 2 | C1-2 Entertainment Speaking (ENT) | Class C1-2 |
Caroline Slama | 2 | C1-2 Persuasive Speaking (PER) | Class C1-2 |
Hannah Scribner and Joey Scribner | 2 | C1-2 Duet Acting (DA) | Class C1-2 |
Joey Scribner, Kaylee Bartak, Mikah Mittleider, Natalie Summers and Sidnee Busch | 2 | C1-2 Oral Interpretation of Drama (OID) | Class C1-2 |
Valori Olson | 2 | C1-2 Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Class C1-2 |
Hannah Scribner | 3 | C1-2 Oral Interpretation of Serious Prose (SP) | Class C1-2 |
Mikah Mittleider | 3 | C1-2 Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Class C1-2 |
Neil Olson | 3 | C1-2 Oral Interpretation of Humorous Prose (HP) | Class C1-2 |
Caroline Slama | 4 | C1-2 Oral Interpretation of Poetry (POE) | Class C1-2 |
Drew Whitney | 4 | C1-2 Program Oral Interpretation (POI) | Class C1-2 |
Justine Fountain | 4 | C1-2 Informative Speaking (INF) | Class C1-2 |
Justine Fountain | 6 | C1-2 Entertainment Speaking (ENT) | Class C1-2 |
Angel Carias and Braxton Small | 1 | Class C1 Duet Acting (DA) | Class C1 |
Keetyn Valentine | 1 | Class C1 Oral Interpretation of Poetry (POE) | Class C1 |
Valori Olson | 1 | Class C1 Persuasive Speaking (PER) | Class C1 |
Angel Carias | 2 | Class C1 Oral Interpretation Humorous Prose (HP) | Class C1 |
Braxton Small | 2 | Class C1 Oral Interpretation of Serious Prose (SP) | Class C1 |
Caroline Slama | 2 | Class C1 Persuasive Speaking (PER) | Class C1 |
Keetyn Valentine | 2 | Class C1 Program Oral Interpretation (POI) | Class C1 |
Natalie Summers | 3 | Class C1 Informative Speaking (INF) | Class C1 |
Valori Olson | 3 | Class C1 Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Class C1 |
Hannah Scribner | 4 | Class C1 Oral Interpretation of Serious Prose (SP) | Class C1 |
Neil Olson | 4 | Class C1 Oral Interpretation Humorous Prose (HP) | Class C1 |
Hannah Scribner and Joey Scribner | 5 | Class C1 Duet Acting (DA) | Class C1 |
Mikah Mittleider | 6 | Class C1 Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Class C1 |
Angel Carias | 1 | Oral Interpretation of Humorous Prose (HP) | Varsity |
Braxton Small | 1 | Oral Interpretation of Serious Prose (SP) | Varsity |
Keetyn Valentine | 1 | Oral Interpretation of Poetry (POE) | Varsity |
Keetyn Valentine | 1 | Program Oral Interpretation (POI) | Varsity |
Valori Olson | 1 | Persuasive Speaking (PER) | Varsity |
Hannah Scribner | 2 | Oral Interpretation of Serious Prose (SP) | Varsity |
Valori Olson | 2 | Impromptu Speaking (IMP) | Varsity |
Neil Olson | 3 | Oral Interpretation of Humorous Prose (HP) | Varsity |
Braxton Small | 4 | Program Oral Interpretation (POI) | Varsity |
Caroline Slama | 5 | Oral Interpretation of Poetry (POE) | Varsity |
Hannah Scribner, Joey Scribner, Keetyn Valentine, Mikah Mittleider and Natalie Summers | 5 | Oral Interpretation of Drama (OID) | Varsity |
Autumn Lindsley | 6 | Informative Speaking (INF) | Varsity |
Caroline Slama | 6 | Persuasive Speaking (PER) | Varsity |
Angel Carias and Braxton Small | 1 | Duet Acting (DA) | Varsity |
Angel Carias | 1 | Oral Interpretation of Humorous Prose (HP) | Varsity |
Autumn Lindsley | 1 | Entertainment Speaking (ENT) | Varsity |
Braxton Small | 1 | Oral Interpretation of Serious Prose (SP) | Varsity |
Caroline Slama | 1 | Persuasive Speaking (PER) | Varsity |
Joey Scribner, Kaylee Bartak, Mikah Mittleider, Natalie Summers and Sidnee Busch | 1 | Oral Interpretation of Drama (OID) | Varsity |
Keetyn Valentine | 1 | Oral Interpretation of Poetry (POE) | Varsity |
Natalie Summers | 1 | Informative Speaking (INF) | Varsity |
Valori Olson | 1 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Caroline Slama | 2 | Oral Interpretation of Poetry (POE) | Varsity |
Hannah Scribner and Joey Scribner | 2 | Duet Acting (DA) | Varsity |
Hannah Scribner | 2 | Oral Interpretation of Serious Prose (SP) | Varsity |
Valori Olson | 2 | Persuasive Speaking (PER) | Varsity |
Justine Fountain | 3 | Entertainment Speaking (ENT) | Varsity |
Keetyn Valentine | 3 | Program of Oral Interpretation (POI) | Varsity |
Neil Olson | 3 | Oral Interpretation of Humorous Prose (HP) | Varsity |
Mikah Mittleider | 4 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Autumn Lindsley, Brittin Valentine, Natalie Robak and Neil Olson | 5 | Oral Interpretation of Drama (OID) | Varsity |
Drew Whitney | 5 | Program of Oral Interpretation (POI) | Varsity |
Angel Carias | 3 | Humorous Interpretation (HP) | Varsity |
Keetyn Valentine | 4 | Poetry (POE) | Varsity |
Keetyn Valentine | 4 | Program Oral Interpretation (POI) | Varsity |
Valori Olson | 1 | Impromptu (IMP) | Varsity |
Angel Carias and Braxton Small | 2 | Duet Acting (DA) | Varsity |
Angel Carias, Autumn Lindsley, Caroline Slama and Neil Olson | 4 | Oral Interpretation of Drama (OID) | Varsity |
Neil Olson | 4 | Humorous Interpretation (HP) | Varsity |
Braxton Small | 5 | Dramatic Interpretation (SP) | Varsity |
Keetyn Valentine | 1 | Dramatic Interpretation (SP) | Varsity |
Autumn Lindsley | 5 | Entertainment (ENT) | Varsity |
Valori Olson | 5 | Extemporaneous (ES) | Varsity |
Autumn Lindsley | 6 | Impromptu (IMP) | Varsity |
Caroline Slama | 6 | Poetry (POE) | Varsity |
Angel Carias and Braxton Small | 1 | DUET (DA) | Varsity |
Angel Carias | 1 | HUM (HP) | Varsity |
Braxton Small | 2 | SER (SP) | Varsity |
Keetyn Valentine | 2 | POI (POI) | Varsity |
Neil Olson | 2 | HUM (HP) | Varsity |
Keetyn Valentine | 3 | POE (POE) | Varsity |
Hannah Scribner, Joey Scribner, Keetyn Valentine, Mikah Mittleider and Natalie Summers | 4 | OID (OID) | Varsity |
Valori Olson | 4 | EXT (ES) | Varsity |
Valori Olson | 4 | PER (PER) | Varsity |
Autumn Lindsley | 5 | ENT (ENT) | Varsity |
Hannah Scribner and Joey Scribner | 2 | DUET (DA) | Varsity |
Hannah Scribner | 2 | SER (SP) | Varsity |
Angel Carias, Autumn Lindsley, Caroline Slama and Neil Olson | 3 | OID (OID) | Varsity |
Caroline Slama | 3 | POE (POE) | Varsity |
Natalie Summers | 3 | INFO (INF) | Varsity |
Mikah Mittleider | 6 | PER (PER) | Varsity |
Joey Scribner | 3 | EXT (ES) | Varsity |
Justine Fountain | 3 | ENT (ENT) | Varsity |