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Team results

Muskingum University
A College team from Ohio

Viewing results from 2024-2025. Change season:

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Team sweepstakes results
Competitor results

Team sweepstakes results
3One Hundred Years of Forensics56.66
4Heart of It All50.67

Competitor results

Heart of It All - Final results
Alyssa Derry1Broadcasting (BR)Varsity
Albreah Triplett3After Dinner Speaking (ADS)Novice
Alyssa Derry3Impromptu Speaking (IMP)Varsity
Alyssa Derry4Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
OATS 5 (Online Asynchronous Tournament Series) - Final results
Alyssa Derry4Impromptu Speaking (IMP)Varsity
Ohio University - 1804 Tournament and Ohio Novice State - Final results
Albreah Triplett2OFA Novice Prose Interpretation (Pro)OFA Novice
Alyssa Derry2Varsity Broadcast Journalism (BJ)Varsity
Albreah Triplett3OFA Novice Persuasive Speaking (PER)OFA Novice
Albreah Triplett4OFA Novice After Dinner Speaking (ADS)OFA Novice
Alyssa Derry6Varsity Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Alyssa Derry6Varsity Impromptu (IMP)Varsity
Robin Matthews6OFA Novice Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT)OFA Novice
Phil LashleyFin.OFA Novice Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT)OFA Novice
Katie KentFin.IPDA (IPDA)Varsity
One Hundred Years of Forensics - Final results
Alyssa Derry1Open Radio Broadcasting (RAD)Open
Alyssa Derry2Open Impromptu Speaking (IMP)Open
Albreah Triplett4Open Prose Interpretation (PRO)Open
Alyssa Derry4Open Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Open
Auggie Niner5Open Prose Interpretation (PRO)Open
Robin Matthews5Open Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT)Open

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