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Team results

Hamilton Heights
A High School team from Indiana

Viewing results from 2012-2013. Change season:

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Team sweepstakes results
Competitor results

Team sweepstakes results
7Fishers Forensic Festival40.75
9IHSFA Section 5 at Carmel (2013)4
10Hope for No Snow Tournament16

Competitor results

Fishers Forensic Festival - Final results
Alexis Rail and Leah Royer4DUO Interp (Scripted) (N) (SD)Novice
Luke Staeber4Humorous (novice (HI)Novice
Sabrina Childers4Prose Reading (varsity) (PRO)Varsity
Audrey Leonard 5Discussion(var) (DIS)Varsity
Taryn Dissett6Prose Reading (varsity) (PRO)Varsity
Julee EllisFin.Broadcasting (BR)Varsity
Krista PulleyFin.Poetry (novice) (POE)Novice
Madleine TempltonFin.Original Performance (Novice) (OP)Novice
Katie Sams and Xanna ShepardFin.Duo Interpretation (Scripted) (SD)Varsity
Sierra SatterfieldFin.Poetry (novice) (POE)Novice
Leah RoyerFin.Impromptu (novice) (IMP)Novice
Hope for No Snow Tournament - Final results
Gabby House and Xanna Shepard3Duo Interpretation (Scripted) (SD)Varsity
Hannah Eppley and Tori Denahm4Duo Interpretation (Scripted) (SD)Varsity
Grant Childs and Rebecca SternerFin.Duo Interpretation (Scripted) (SD)Varsity
IHSFA Section 5 at Carmel (2013) - Final results
Grant Childs and Rebecca Sterner6Duo Interpretation (Scripted) (SD)Varsity
Logansport High School Speaking of Love Tournament - Final results
Julee Ellis4Radio (BR)Varsity
Grant Childs and Rebecca Sterner5Duo Interpretation (Scripted) (SD)Varsity
New Castle Speech Tournament - Final results
Hannah Eppley and Tori DenahmFin.Duo Interpretation (Scripted) (SD)Varsity
Julee EllisFin.Broadcasting (BR)Varsity
Grant Childs and Rebecca SternerFin.Duo Interpretation (Scripted) (SD)Varsity
Angie Hubert and Sabrina ChildersFin.Duo Interpretation (Memorized) (MD)Varsity
Noblesville November Fest - Final results
Julee Ellis2Broadcasting (BR)Varsity
Grant Childs and Rebecca Sterner5Duo Interpretation (Scripted) (SD)Varsity
Noblesville November Fest - Next-in Final results
Hannah Eppley and Tori Denahm2Duo Interpretation (Scripted) (SD)Varsity
Sabrina Childers2Prose Reading (PRO)Varsity
Bryan DeFoe3Discussion (DIS)Varsity
Angie Hubert and Sabrina Childers4Duo Interpretation (Memorized) (MD)Varsity
Brookelynne Schnurpel4Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity

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