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Team results

Fishers Informative

Competitor(s) from Fishers

Viewing results from 2021-2022. Change season:

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Final results
Chase Frank1Fishers Speech and Debate IntersquadOpen
Chase Frank1Hamilton County InvitationalNovice
Chase Frank1Mudsock Speech and Debate InvitationalOpen
Jacob Dowd1Hamilton Southeastern InvitationalVarsity
Manvitha Veeramreddy1Hamilton County InvitationalVarsity
Manvitha Veeramreddy1Munster Varsity Speech MeetVarsity
Caroline Larson2Hamilton County InvitationalNovice
Helen Myers2Fishers Speech and Debate IntersquadOpen
Manvitha Veeramreddy2Mudsock Speech and Debate InvitationalOpen
Meghan Chen2Fishers Forensic FestivalVarsity
Tanisha Davidson2Munster Varsity Speech MeetVarsity
Caroline Larson3Mudsock Speech and Debate InvitationalOpen
Chase Frank3Fishers Forensic FestivalVarsity
Jacob Dowd3Hamilton County InvitationalNovice
John Myers3Hamilton County InvitationalVarsity
Manvitha Veeramreddy3Hamilton Southeastern InvitationalVarsity
Tanisha Davidson3Fishers Speech and Debate IntersquadOpen
Jacob Dowd4Fishers Speech and Debate IntersquadOpen
John Myers4Mudsock Speech and Debate InvitationalOpen
Lilian Jones4Mudsock Speech and Debate InvitationalOpen
Tanisha Davidson4Hamilton County InvitationalVarsity
Veda Thangudu4Hamilton County InvitationalNovice
Caroline Larson5Munster Varsity Speech MeetVarsity
John Myers5Fishers Forensic FestivalVarsity
Lilian Jones5Hamilton County InvitationalVarsity
Meghan Chen5Fishers Speech and Debate IntersquadOpen
Venkata Divya Pottete5Hamilton County InvitationalNovice
Caroline Larson6Fishers Speech and Debate IntersquadOpen
Helen Myers6Hamilton County InvitationalVarsity
Lilian JonesFin.Fishers Speech and Debate IntersquadOpen
Veda ThanguduFin.Fishers Speech and Debate IntersquadOpen
Venkata Divya PotteteFin.Fishers Speech and Debate IntersquadOpen

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