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Team results

Plymouth Duo Interpretation

Competitor(s) from Plymouth

Viewing results from 2022-2023. Change season:

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Final results
Alex DeJarnatt and Claire Lewandowski1Plymouth Snowmageddon Speech TournamentVarsity
Dariel Herrera and Jonathan Velasquez1Carol Anders Memorial TournamentVarsity
Dariel Herrera and Jonathan Velasquez1Chesterton Speech TournamentOpen
Dariel Herrera and Jonathan Velasquez1Del Nelson Memorial TournamentVarsity
Dariel Herrera and Jonathan Velasquez1Fishers Forensic FestivalVarsity
Dariel Herrera and Jonathan Velasquez1ISSDA 2023 Speech Section 2 TournamentVarsity
Dariel Herrera and Jonathan Velasquez1ISSDA State Speech TournamentVarsity
Dariel Herrera and Jonathan Velasquez1Kokomo High School Speech TournamentVarsity
Dariel Herrera and Jonathan Velasquez1Sectional Warm-UpVarsity
Emaline Van Duyne and Mia Hartley1Carol Anders Memorial TournamentNovice
Emaline Van Duyne and Mia Hartley1Kokomo High School Speech TournamentNovice
Jonah Rich and Rylan James1Kokomo High School Speech TournamentNovice
Addison Kingston and Garrett Bicknell2Sectional Warm-UpVarsity
Alex DeJarnatt and Claire Lewandowski2ISSDA 2023 Speech Section 2 TournamentVarsity
Claire Lewandowski and Garrett Bicknell2Carol Anders Memorial TournamentVarsity
Claire Lewandowski and Garrett Bicknell2Kokomo High School Speech TournamentVarsity
Dariel Herrera and Jonathan Velasquez2Plymouth Snowmageddon Speech TournamentVarsity
Emaline Van Duyne and Mia Hartley2Concord Speech Meet (Steve Kirkpatrick Memorial)Novice
Maddy Thangam and Madelyn Hutchings2Del Nelson Memorial TournamentVarsity
Maddy Thangam and Madelyn Hutchings2Fishers Forensic FestivalVarsity
Olivia Burch and Ray Ye2Carol Anders Memorial TournamentNovice
Aiden Ruiz and Alex DeJarnatt3Del Nelson Memorial TournamentVarsity
Alex DeJarnatt and Claire Lewandowski3ISSDA State Speech TournamentVarsity
Jonah Rich and Rylan James3Carol Anders Memorial TournamentNovice
Maddy Thangam and Madelyn Hutchings3Carol Anders Memorial TournamentVarsity
Maddy Thangam and Madelyn Hutchings3ISSDA 2023 Speech Section 2 TournamentVarsity
Maddy Thangam and Madelyn Hutchings3Sectional Warm-UpVarsity
Olivia Burch and Ray Ye3Concord Speech Meet (Steve Kirkpatrick Memorial)Novice
Addison Kingston and Garrett Bicknell4ISSDA 2023 Speech Section 2 TournamentVarsity
Alex DeJarnatt and Claire Lewandowski4Fishers Forensic FestivalVarsity
Maddy Thangam and Madelyn Hutchings4Kokomo High School Speech TournamentVarsity
Addison Kingston and Garrett Bicknell5Plymouth Snowmageddon Speech TournamentVarsity
Aiden Ruiz and Alex DeJarnatt5Kokomo High School Speech TournamentVarsity
Gillian Ousnamer and Hattie Cotton5Concord Speech Meet (Steve Kirkpatrick Memorial)Novice
Maddy Thangam and Madelyn Hutchings5Chesterton Speech TournamentOpen
Addison Kingston and Garrett Bicknell6Chesterton Speech TournamentOpen

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