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Team results

Carmel High School Public Forum Debate

Competitor(s) from Carmel High School

Viewing results from 2021-2022. Change season:

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Final results
Amanda Pan and Tejasvi Tadikonda1Women's Words Matter: Speech for SuccessNovice
Anushka Pandey and Saumya Somasi1Chesterton High School Debate TournamentVarsity
Kate Smith and Marissa Finney1Fishers Forensic FestivalVarsity
Kate Smith and Marissa Finney1NSDA HH/HC District Debate Tournament 2022Crossroads
Kate Smith and Marissa Finney1Women's Words Matter: Speech for SuccessVarsity
Kevin Hu and Sandra Yang1Concord High School Debate MeetVarsity
Alexandra Yang and Kevin Hu2Women's Words Matter: Speech for SuccessVarsity
Angelina Tan and Sumedha Kota2Chesterton High School Debate TournamentVarsity
Anushka Pandey and Saumya Somasi2NSDA HH/HC District Debate Tournament 2022Crossroads
Arjun Purohit and Richard Gao2Concord High School Debate MeetNovice
Kate Smith and Marissa Finney2ISSDA (formerly IHSFA) State Debate TournamentVarsity
Kevin Hu and Sandra Yang2Fishers Forensic FestivalVarsity
Leah Tan and Sowmya Chundi2Chesterton Debate - VirtualVarsity
Leah Tan and Sowmya Chundi2Concord High School Debate MeetVarsity
Melaina Munson and Ridhi Dondeti2Fishers Debate MeetNovice
Rebecca Lee and Sudhee Bommineni2Concord High School Debate MeetNovice
Anushka Pandey and Saumya Somasi3Concord High School Debate MeetVarsity
Angelina Tan and Emerson Barrett4Concord High School Debate MeetNovice
Anushka Pandey and Saumya Somasi4Women's Words Matter: Speech for SuccessVarsity
Anjana Vallepalli and Sara Susant 5Women's Words Matter: Speech for SuccessNovice
Alia Karim and Zhanqi Su6Women's Words Matter: Speech for SuccessNovice
Anushka Pandey and Saumya Somasi6Chesterton Debate - VirtualVarsity
Anushka Pandey and Saumya Somasi6Fishers Forensic FestivalVarsity
Melaina Munson and Ridhi Dondeti6Women's Words Matter: Speech for SuccessVarsity
Melaina Munson and Ridhi DondetiFin.Fishers Forensic FestivalVarsity
Drew Macias and Joshua YiFin.Fishers Debate MeetNovice
Kate Smith and Marissa FinneyFin.Concord High School Debate MeetVarsity
Eva Qiao and Jessica WangFin.Fishers Debate MeetNovice
Carolyn Jia and Dhanya PathangiFin.Chesterton High School Debate TournamentVarsity
Alia Karim and Zhanqi SuFin.Chesterton High School Debate TournamentNovice
Angelina Tan and Sumedha KotaFin.Chesterton Debate - VirtualVarsity
Arushi Nadagatti and Pranavi Sambathur Fin.Chesterton High School Debate TournamentVarsity
Felicity Park-Smith and Jahnavi AvulaFin.Chesterton High School Debate TournamentVarsity
Isma Rehman and Zaynab KhanFin.Fishers Debate MeetNovice
Kate Smith and Marissa FinneyFin.Chesterton Debate - VirtualVarsity
Dhanya Pathangi and Sumedha KotaFin.Fishers Debate MeetVarsity
Kevin Hu and Sandra YangFin.Chesterton Debate - VirtualVarsity
Anjana Vallepalli and Sudhee BommineniFin.Chesterton Debate - VirtualVarsity
Carolyn Jia and Siri ByrisettyFin.Fishers Debate MeetVarsity
Melaina Munson and Ridhi DondetiFin.Chesterton Debate - VirtualVarsity

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