Ohio University - 1804 Tournament and Ohio Novice State - Event results
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OFA Novice After Dinner Speaking
OFA Novice Dramatic Interpretation
OFA Novice Duo Interpretation
OFA Novice Extemporaneous Speaking
OFA Novice Impromptu
OFA Novice Informative
OFA Novice Persuasive Speaking
OFA Novice Poetry Interpretation
OFA Novice POI
OFA Novice Prose Interpretation
OFA Novice Radio Broadcasting
Varsity After Dinner Speaking
Varsity Dramatic Interpretation
Varsity Duo Interpretation
Varsity Extemporaneous Speaking
Varsity impromptu
Varsity Informative
Varsity Persuasive Speaking
Varsity Poetry Interpretation
Varsity Program Oral Interpretation
Varsity Prose
Varsity Radio Broadcasting
Varsity Rhetorical Criticism