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SWAL Conference - Event results

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1Treyton FurrerCuba City High School
1Henery Moon-PennekampFennimore
1Chris CrowIowa-Grant
1William FultonIowa-Grant
1Lucas ChristiansenIowa-Grant
1Matthew GoninenMineral Point

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Inf-Demo/Oratory/Public Add/Spec Occasion

1Jonah KnowlesBoscobel High School
1Tyler MillerBoscobel High School
1Paul OneillBoscobel High School
1Resse Hill Cuba City High School
1Abigail RicoDarlington High School
1Kendre Rios-YanezDarlington High School
1Carter RickardIowa-Grant
1Kylie BreuerIowa-Grant

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1Nakia StitzerBoscobel High School
1keanlee SteeleBoscobel High School
1Ayla KassBoscobel High School
1Ty FishlerCuba City High School
1Camryn HendricksonCuba City High School
1Shayne RobsonCuba City High School
1Piper DePauwDarlington High School
1Marta Calderon HernandezDarlington High School
1Cody DalyDarlington High School
1Ben WeaverDarlington High School
1Elie RiechersDarlington High School
1Marta RoelliDarlington High School
1Paige DouglasDarlington High School
1Lucerito Acatzihua-RodriguezFennimore
1Jaelynn BruegmannFennimore

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Play Acting/Solo Acting S & H/Group Interp

1Kaitlyn KansierBoscobel High School
1Breyden Johll, Nathan Timmerman, Niko Sookochoff, Noah Wood and Talan VanNattaCuba City High School
1Gracie Leeser, Isaac Hermsen, Lauren Gustafson and Leah KleinCuba City High School
1Abby Geyer, Anakin Solis, Brayden Soppe, Emma Johll and Lauren MergenCuba City High School
1Aubrey Meyer, Josie Hartwig and Kaden SolisCuba City High School
1Cheyann Houtakker, Emily Majerus, Emma Dailey, McKenzie Harris and Trina RedfernCuba City High School
1Addison Sweet, Brooke Terpstra, Delilah Layde and Kylie SchuchartCuba City High School
1Brad Rowe, Brody Rogers, Carter Runde, Erika Droessler and Savannah KregerCuba City High School
1Aiden Dempsey-Strang, Juan (Junior) Jimenez-Rivera, Landon King and Porter PaisleyDarlington High School
1Elizabeth Meylor, Lacey Fitzsimons and Yamileth MoralezDarlington High School
1Brody Cooper, Brody Whitford, Catherine Hartwig and Kylie CristDarlington High School
1Esme Alvarez MendozaDarlington High School
1Aiko Campos-Vazquez, Austia Stauffacher, Lacey Fitzsimons, Lillian King and Paige DouglasDarlington High School
1Jennifer Catana-SimonDarlington High School
1Benjamin VarelaFennimore
1Ava Winkers, Crystal Alvarez Lopez, Eden Fry, Lola Hahn and Madison TollefsonFennimore
1Benjamin Varela, Griffin Fry, Logan Koestler, Noah Needham and Rhiannon Nelson-HahnFennimore
1Ellen MeyerFennimore
1Addyson Loy, Brylie Zink, Kate Kenney and Mayleigh SeitzFennimore
1Libby DayFennimore
1Chelsey Mueller and Evelena LinscheidIowa-Grant
1Alex Sporle, Evelena Linscheid, Gabriella Munson and Lucinda SpurleyIowa-Grant
1Braden Dowell, Quentin Koss, Trenton Pelton and William FultonIowa-Grant
1Pajessa Baker and Trinity BakerIowa-Grant
1Breanna Dowell, Kimberly Bartolo-Garcia and Michelle QuiahuaIowa-Grant
1Chloe McVay, Jessica Schubert, Kate James, Kendall Wenger and Kendyl RufMineral Point

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1Kira KinneyBoscobel High School
1Carleen ChappellBoscobel High School
1Isabelle ChildsBoscobel High School
1Alison BurnsBoscobel High School
1Brooklyn BrewerCuba City High School
1Victoria SchulzCuba City High School
1Gabrielle SchulzCuba City High School
1Lelu TaylorCuba City High School
1Jennifer Alonso-AlvarezDarlington High School
1Anyka JohnsonDarlington High School
1Zack MeylorDarlington High School
1Deylin Murillo-VelasquezDarlington High School
1Clara SolversonDarlington High School
1Rella MeylorDarlington High School
1Adeline RiechersDarlington High School
1Makenna MartinDarlington High School
1Isabelle WinkersDarlington High School
1Angel HernandezDarlington High School
1Maria HernandezDarlington High School
1Thea KammerudDarlington High School
1Alivia CrosbyDarlington High School
1Chloe O'BrienDarlington High School
1Tilla CuttingFennimore
1Trinity BoebelFennimore
1Cailin BauschFennimore
1Mallori OyenFennimore
1Alex BauschFennimore
1Ella HoughtonFennimore
1Cooper ImhoffFennimore
1Abigail JohnstonFennimore
1Sitalli Acatzihua-RodriguezFennimore
1Kaylee FriederickFennimore
1Janna EngelhartFennimore
1Hailey SweeneyFennimore
1Kathryn NelsonFennimore
1Elizabeth StewartFennimore
1Brooklyn RobertsFennimore
1Addyson WinkersIowa-Grant
1Linnea ElgIowa-Grant
1Blake DroesslerIowa-Grant
1Riley LevyIowa-Grant
1Addeline FoleyIowa-Grant
1Connor JohnsonIowa-Grant
1Freddy Rodriguez-AcatzihuaIowa-Grant
1Lillian LinscheidIowa-Grant
1Abigail HakeIowa-Grant
1Stevie PeltonIowa-Grant
1Addeline ElgIowa-Grant
1Abigail DroesslerIowa-Grant
1Wyatt AideIowa-Grant
1Carter RickardIowa-Grant
1Cadence KelleyIowa-Grant
1Myles RoweIowa-Grant

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