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NSAA District D2-3 (Pope John) - Event results

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D2-3 Duet Acting

1Aiden Klein and Brooke KinneyElgin Pope John
2Alex Otte and Ben PongratzO'Neill St. Mary's
3Daniel Kluver and Jayna GuggenmosWheeler Central Public School
4Alic Wiebelhaus and Bentley GuentherWynot
5Ava Shald and Jaiya JohnsonO'Neill St. Mary's
6Braelynn Schlenger and Paige SchlengerWheeler Central Public School

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D2-3 Entertainment Speaking

1Joslyn HochsteinWynot
2Anna OtteO'Neill St. Mary's
3Alic WiebelhausWynot
4Dayna SharpVerdigre
5Kinley DruekeElgin Pope John
6Evan ColeO'Neill St. Mary's

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D2-3 Extemporaneous Speaking

1Lauren WinkelbauerO'Neill St. Mary's
2Rebekah KetelsenSt. Edward
3Noah KetelsenSt. Edward
4Evan ColeO'Neill St. Mary's
5Grace MahonySpalding Academy

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D2-3 Informative Speaking

1Ben PongratzO'Neill St. Mary's
2Olivia KleinElgin Pope John
3Alex OtteO'Neill St. Mary's
4Eliza LangeWynot

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D2-3 Oral Interpretation of Drama

1Bentley Guenther, Eliza Lange, Ian Haberman, Joslyn Hochstein and Kallie SteffenWynot
2Addy Shald, Anna Otte, Ava Shald, Ben Pongratz and Lauren WinkelbauerO'Neill St. Mary's
3Aiden Klein, Brooke Kinney, Camry Kittelson, Matthew Kerkman and Tessa BarlowElgin Pope John
4Alic Wiebelhaus, Aven Hanson, Blake Klug, Jace Lange and Kreyton KochWynot
5Claire Tibor, Josie Sock and Kalvin SindelarSt. Edward
6Casey Clements, Lily Bauer, Olivia Bauer and Peyton ThompsonO'Neill St. Mary's

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D2-3 Oral Interpretation of Humorous Prose

1Kalvin SindelarSt. Edward
2Bentley GuentherWynot
3Blake KlugWynot
4Noah KetelsenSt. Edward
5Christian PreisterElgin Pope John
6Casey ClementsO'Neill St. Mary's

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D2-3 Oral Interpretation of Poetry

1Aven HansonWynot
2Korina BittnerSt. Edward
3Harlie TylerElgin Pope John
4Kaylee ApplegarthSt. Edward
5Ava ShaldO'Neill St. Mary's

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D2-3 Oral Interpretation of Serious Prose

1Reese StuhrElgin Pope John
2Tessa BarlowElgin Pope John
3Jayna GuggenmosWheeler Central Public School
4Elaine SheltonNewman Grove
5Josie SockSt. Edward
6LaShanna WerthO'Neill St. Mary's

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D2-3 Persuasive Speaking

1Lauren WinkelbauerO'Neill St. Mary's
2Taylor TeadtkeVerdigre
3Jovie BorerElgin Pope John
4Brianna PinkelmanWynot
5Kaleb AscheO'Neill St. Mary's

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D2-3 Program Oral Interpretation

1Addy ShaldO'Neill St. Mary's
2Claire TiborSt. Edward
3Jovie BorerElgin Pope John
4Rebekah KetelsenSt. Edward

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