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UW-Whitewater Speech Bowl - Event results

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Demonstration Speaking

1Becky MartinHomestead High School
2Liz WilsonBeaver Dam High School
3Johanna BrauerLuther Preparatory School
4Hanna TsengHomestead High School
5Elena HausmannNew Berlin West
6Lauren KleinHomestead High School

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Duo Interpretation

1David Giersch and William ClarkHomestead High School
2Dylan Pashke and Emily GaggioliBrookfield Central High School
3Hallie Kircher-Henning and Lucy WoolsonMadison West
4Aviv Goldman and Ryann ChandlerMadison West
5Emily Harley and Jennifer HarleyHomestead High School
6Fefe Jaber and Savannah HeiglRonald Reagan High School

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Extemporaneous Speaking

1Isaac RudinMadison West
2Genevieve RedstenMadison West
3Adam FendosWauwatosa West High School
4Seth CampbellMadison East HS
5Teddy ScheckelMadison West
6Allie BitzSussex-Hamilton High School
Fin.Conlain KellyBeaver Dam High School

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1Jenna KahleyAuburn (Rockford)
2Annika ClawsonArrowhead Union High School
3Bree DollakSun Prairie West High School
4Maija WhitefeatherMilwaukee High School of the Arts
5Chris AndersonArrowhead Union High School
6Serena ZachariasHomestead High School
Fin.Morgan FarrarSun Prairie West High School

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Four Minute Speaking

1Erin MagoonSussex-Hamilton High School
2Kelsey JacobsWatertown High School
3Ellie LandwehrArrowhead Union High School
4Sabrina JahrSun Prairie West High School
5Haley FaustSun Prairie West High School
6Nina NovicWauwatosa East High School
Fin.Olivia Krahn-BockhopSun Prairie West High School
Fin.Chetan TeegalaSun Prairie West High School

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Group Interpretation

1Hannah Sherfinski and Maddie KnutsonArrowhead Union High School
2Amanda Moser, Haley Waise, Holland Cummisford and Madeline SternmanHomestead High School
3Alec Phelps and Jacob StammWaunakee High School
4Emily Limbach, Melissa Le and Reilly AlbertHomestead High School
5Daniela Garlisi and Maddie Atinsky Homestead High School
6Erin O'Brien, Jeffrey Tomaszek, Maggie Collins, Nick Haydin and Sam EricksonWauwatosa East High School

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Impromptu Speaking

1Katherine WalshMadison West
2Allison PitmanAuburn (Rockford)
2Isaac RudinMadison West
2Patrick McLindenRonald Reagan High School
5William BrownMadison West
6Bennett GabrielMadison West
Fin.Aidan KingBurlington High School

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Moments in History

1Natalie HartwigBrookfield Central High School
2Kileigh EricksonHomestead High School
3Sophie McIntoshSun Prairie West High School
4Jaki JahrSun Prairie West High School
5Hannah WisdenSun Prairie West High School
6Ila AvinashSussex-Hamilton High School
Fin.Harish PrabaharanSun Prairie West High School

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Oral Interpretation

1Dell HuneSun Prairie West High School
2Melody NewtonRonald Reagan High School
3Anne LinersRonald Reagan High School
4Lulu GuzmanMadison West
5Anna BaumgartnerArrowhead Union High School
6Alessandra GouvernerHomestead High School

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1Diya RamanathanArrowhead Union High School
2Patrick McLindenRonald Reagan High School
3Katie CaoHomestead High School
4Katherine WalshMadison West
5Flannery RaabeWaunakee High School
6Fiona AdamsMadison West

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Play Acting

1Hannah Giammarco and Katey DevineNew Berlin West
2Alex Gieske and Katherine GlueckertHomestead High School
3McKenzie Fowler and Sam MooreSussex-Hamilton High School
4Alex Zerman and Jimmy KarolekNew Berlin West
5Eileen Reetz, Nadiyah Salawdeh and Noah SuchyWauwatosa West High School

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1Cassie CoenenBeaver Dam High School
2Gabrielle GuitzkowWaunakee High School
3Baily SchmidtMilton High School
4Jessica MubrigiAuburn (Rockford)
5Sarah DavisAuburn (Rockford)
6Ayanna MartinMilwaukee High School of the Arts
6Kristen LeerRonald Reagan High School

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1Jaki JahrSun Prairie West High School
2Sam BerglinArrowhead Union High School
3Scott FinmanWatertown High School
4Tessa DotyMadison West
5Beth BandliSun Prairie West High School
6Kristina SmeshkoHomestead High School
6Miranda GrisaHomestead High School
Fin.Hallie Kircher-HenningMadison West

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Radio Speaking

1Eric MattsonMadison East HS
2Josh GlassteinHomestead High School
3Rae DavelBrookfield Central High School
4Nicholas CordonnierAuburn (Rockford)
5Erin SwopeMilton High School
6Emma KumerBrookfield Central High School
Fin.Angie JiangMadison West

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Solo Humorous Acting

1Ian WallsMilwaukee High School of the Arts
2Duke BackhausLuther Preparatory School
3Scott ZioleckiNew Berlin West
4Gabby ReichartArrowhead Union High School
4Chisom ObasihBrookfield Central High School
4Tatyana CovingtonMilwaukee High School of the Arts

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Solo Serious Acting

1Michael HaubnerRonald Reagan High School
2Nicholas CordonnierAuburn (Rockford)
3Alexis ZelloFranklin High School
4Megan GrejczykSun Prairie West High School
5Tatyana CovingtonMilwaukee High School of the Arts
6Ian WallsMilwaukee High School of the Arts

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Special Occasion Speaking

1Kalady OsowskiArrowhead Union High School
2Dani KallisSussex-Hamilton High School
3Maddie MartiniSun Prairie West High School
4Bree DollakSun Prairie West High School
5Megan DavisFranklin High School
6Julia WedelBeaver Dam High School
Fin.Savannah DixonMilton High School

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1Elena LerwickBeaver Dam High School
2Caroline MohrWhitnall High School
3Kavya AyalasomayajulaSussex-Hamilton High School
4Emma AndersonWatertown High School
5Evelyn SibleyBurlington High School

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