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Titan Talker Souper Bowl - Event results

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1Adong AkotLincoln North Star Speech
2Zoey MoserLincoln Southwest
3Thalia Lawson-Betum Omaha Brownell Talbot
4Grace CasselLincoln Southwest
5Chloe PetersonMillard South
6Peyton BanksLouisville

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1Hope Stratman and Matthias WaltersOmaha Skutt Catholic
2Caroline Hilgert and Emerson HughesOmaha Skutt Catholic
3Tatum Johnson and Zoey MoserLincoln Southwest
4Camron Guenter and Isaiah EnevoldsenRaymond Central
5Conner Taylor and Johnna SisnerosMillard South
6Amber Headley and Leena HartungMillard North
Fin.Meredith Gamet and Olivia NelsonPius X

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1Caroline HilgertOmaha Skutt Catholic
2Matt SavageCrete High School
3Colton AriasRaymond Central
4Kale StrizekRaymond Central
5Jack DuffOmaha Skutt Catholic
6Drew OdgaardPius X

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Extemporaneous Speaking

1Jenna MuOmaha Brownell Talbot
2Brandon UnverferthRaymond Central
3Noha AlgahimiLincoln Southeast Speech
4Janie XuOmaha Brownell Talbot
5Vijay MenonOmaha Brownell Talbot
6Aishani SrikumarOmaha Brownell Talbot

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1Tatum JohnsonLincoln Southwest
2Stephanie EarhartPius X
3Conner TaylorMillard South
4Kyra GeorgeOmaha Brownell Talbot
5Carah JonesMillard South
6Justin SlepickaPius X

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1Caleb SudbeckOmaha Skutt Catholic
2Jenna MuOmaha Brownell Talbot
3Brianna LiuOmaha Brownell Talbot
4Emerson HughesOmaha Skutt Catholic
5Bridget PeterkinMillard North
6Victoria LeiOmaha Brownell Talbot

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1Arabella Hoffman, Joseph McAuliffe, MaryRose Olson, Nate Meister and Sam MoylanOmaha Skutt Catholic
2Caleb Sudbeck, Clara Pohlman, Kevin Rice, Max Korensky and Rachel OberfoellOmaha Skutt Catholic
3Aakash Mehta, Aruna Bashir, Ava Mumgaard, Kyra George and Mandie LiscoOmaha Brownell Talbot
4Alexis Jeffres, Colton Arias, Ella Kehr, Hunter Kohl and Maiya MillerRaymond Central
5Dylan Schweitzer, Isaac White and Triston LaMayRaymond Central
6Casey Mason, Joey Gruber, Maxton Yarnell, Meagan Hay and Michael RuppLouisville

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1Caroline HilgertOmaha Skutt Catholic
2Katie BelfioreOmaha Skutt Catholic
3Emerson HughesOmaha Skutt Catholic
4Tyler BartolomeLincoln Southwest
5Aruna BashirOmaha Brownell Talbot
6Clare HornungRaymond Central

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1Abby HornerPius X
2Camron GuenterRaymond Central
3Ellen DexterRaymond Central
4Emma MirnicsOmaha Brownell Talbot
5Sabrina ReedCrete High School
6Safeara NeeceMillard South

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