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Lincoln Northeast Speech Tournament - Event results

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Duet Acting

1Ashlynn Haun and Ty CorrScottsbluff High School
2Dakota Empfield and Taylor YarnellScottsbluff High School
3Chase Duckett and Jaden GroffMalcolm
4Elizabeth Barnard and Sara AvilaPius X

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Entertainment Speaking

1Liesa PerlbergGering High School
2Grace SinselYork
3Jaela Hardin Gering High School
4Caleb PorterMalcolm
5Anna KruegerPius X
6Emily SteinerMalcolm

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Extemporaneous Speaking

1Oliver Borchers-WilliamsNebraska City High School
2Noha AlgahimiLincoln Southeast Speech
3Suzie ChoLincoln East
4Dhruv SinghMillard North
5Ryan PoppertFillmore Central
6Philip TurnerPius X

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Impromptu Speaking

1Griffin PresnellLincoln Southeast Speech
2Dhruv SinghMillard North
3Samuel ProvinceLincoln Southeast Speech
4Ellie HigginsNebraska City High School
5Zach WendlingLincoln North Star Speech
6Justin SlepickaPius X

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Informative Speaking

1Oliver Borchers-WilliamsNebraska City High School
2Chloe HigginsNebraska City High School
3Dhruv SinghMillard North
4Olivia DiedrichsenMalcolm
5Summer LauterbachCrete High School
6Sara AvilaPius X

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Oral Interpretation of Drama

1Caleb Porter, Chase Duckett, Ellie Powers, Gabby Porter and Grant BattlesMalcolm
2Brianna Cobb , Elias Dallmann, Emily Baldridge , Jesse Atchison and Kinsley Flynt York
3Emilee Knutzen , Erika Hinz , Holly Rockenbach , Jennifer Rodriguez and Lucy HaarmannYork
4Emily Steiner, Grace Schleining, Samantha Fortik, Sara Broad and Trevor BurianekMalcolm

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Oral Interpretation of Humorous Prose

1Ellie HigginsNebraska City High School
2Ethan WeberPius X
3Carsyn Long Gering High School
4Dawson Johns Gering High School
5Stephanie EarhartPius X
6Sarah TroubMillard North

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Oral Interpretation of Poetry

1Alia HurstFillmore Central
2Abby HornerPius X
3Kathleen Esser York
4Alijah MallulaMalcolm
5Talia Robertus Gering High School
6Adam Flowers Gering High School

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Oral Interpretation of Serious Prose

1Sadie PrendaLincoln Southeast Speech
2Adong AkotLincoln North Star Speech
3Olivia LongmoreGering High School
4Ashley RobinsonNebraska City High School
5Emily Baldridge York
6Lexy BodfieldCrete High School

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Persuasive Speaking

1Oliver Borchers-WilliamsNebraska City High School
2Chloe HigginsNebraska City High School
3Caitlyn GishLincoln North Star Speech
4Emily Sandell Malcolm
5Nibras KhudaidaLincoln North Star Speech
6Noha AlgahimiLincoln Southeast Speech

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Program Oral Interpretation

1Chloe HigginsNebraska City High School
2Sadie PrendaLincoln Southeast Speech
3Alia HurstFillmore Central
4Sabrina ReedCrete High School
5Abby HornerPius X
6Ellie Siebe-WallesMillard North

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