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Ashland-Greenwood Oxbow Invitational - Event results

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Novice Dramatic Interpretation

1Rylee HogueElmwood Murdock Schools
2Katie FreyHumboldt Table Rock Steinauer
3Chethana DeeduvanuMillard North
4Hailey RevordMillard North
5Cameron JamesHumboldt Table Rock Steinauer
6Noah KorthScotus Central Catholic

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Novice Entertainment Speaking

1Zachary WeisOmaha Skutt Catholic
2Paityn JamesonKenesaw
3Joseph McAuliffeOmaha Skutt Catholic
4Makenna SenderAshland-Greenwood

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Novice Extemporaneous Speaking

1Nate MeisterOmaha Skutt Catholic
2Evan JolleyMillard North
3Xander FritzWahoo-Bishop Neumann
4Maxton YarnellLouisville

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Novice Humorous Interpretation

1Bridget NevilleMillard North
2Nadira JeethandranMillard North
3Gwyneth MedlockOmaha Skutt Catholic
4Amber HeadleyMillard North

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Novice Informative Speaking

1Kayleigh StevensOmaha Skutt Catholic
2Bridget NevilleMillard North
3Manav MathurMillard North
4Sreemedha ChintamadakaMillard North

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Novice Persuasive Speaking

1Zachary WeisOmaha Skutt Catholic
2Hailey RevordMillard North
3Chethana DeeduvanuMillard North
4Zach KernBlair

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Novice Poetry Interpretation

1Morgan DvorakOmaha Skutt Catholic
2Lauren NanningaHumboldt Table Rock Steinauer
3Catherine QuinnWahoo-Bishop Neumann
4Clara PohlmanOmaha Skutt Catholic

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Varsity Dramatic Interpretation

1Tanner LangemeierWahoo-Bishop Neumann
2Madison MeadeAuburn High School
3Clara PohlmanOmaha Skutt Catholic
4Ella MaackAshland-Greenwood
5Ezra HareDouglas County West
6Kailynn JensenBlair

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Varsity Duet Acting

1Kevin Rice and Max KorenskyOmaha Skutt Catholic
2Rachel Rockwell and Reed LenkerPlatteview High School
3Caroline Hilgert and Emerson HughesOmaha Skutt Catholic
4Josh Lockman and Kabi MumfordElmwood Murdock Schools
5Braden Kern and Bree NielsenAshland-Greenwood
6Abraham Vidaurre and Molly FeileElmwood Murdock Schools

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Varsity Entertainment Speaking

1Riley HerringAshland-Greenwood
2Lauren OstdiekScotus Central Catholic
3Emily CarstensScotus Central Catholic
4Payton MorrowKenesaw
5Caroline HilgertOmaha Skutt Catholic
6Ana DoradorOmaha Skutt Catholic

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Varsity Extemporaneous Speaking

1Abigail ThomasAuburn High School
2Bryan LittlefieldScotus Central Catholic
3JP JensenElkhorn Mount Michael
4Patrick HerchenbachScotus Central Catholic
5Noah BogerDouglas County West
6Mia MorrisseyOmaha Skutt Catholic

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Varsity Humorous Interpretation

1Clara PohlmanOmaha Skutt Catholic
2Matthias WaltersOmaha Skutt Catholic
3Rachael BinstockWahoo-Bishop Neumann
4Dylan HicksPapillion-LaVista South
5Sophie HabrockLouisville
6Molly FeileElmwood Murdock Schools

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Varsity Informative Speaking

1Zane KernBlair
2Paige MorrowKenesaw
3Emerson HughesOmaha Skutt Catholic
4Rachel OberfoellOmaha Skutt Catholic
5Sadie ShriverAuburn High School
6Hannah AllenScotus Central Catholic

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Varsity Oral Interpretation of Drama

1Caleb Sudbeck, Kevin Rice, Max Korensky, Mia Morrissey and Rachel OberfoellOmaha Skutt Catholic
2Arabella Hoffman, Joseph McAuliffe, MaryRose Olson, Nate Meister and Sam MoylanOmaha Skutt Catholic
3Bethany Kiekel, Emma Murphy, Kathryn Kudrna, madison Reiman and Sadie ShriverAuburn High School
4Alaina Wallick, Brandon Huynh, Isaac McPhillips, Isaac Ostdiek and Logan ZanardiScotus Central Catholic
5Cameron Stough, Connor Parker, Derek Mason, Emma Powell and Kaelyn NoelAuburn High School
6Grace Ellis, Ian Wilshusen and Karlee MooreWaverly High School

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Varsity Persuasive Speaking

1Emerson HughesOmaha Skutt Catholic
2Katie BelfioreOmaha Skutt Catholic
3Abigail ThomasAuburn High School
4Caroline HilgertOmaha Skutt Catholic
5Jordan SmithAshland-Greenwood
6Meagan HayLouisville

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Varsity Poetry Interpretation

1Hope StratmanOmaha Skutt Catholic
2John CeleskyWahoo-Bishop Neumann
3Jacob MorrowKenesaw
4Grace EllisWaverly High School
5Halie TenopirWahoo-Bishop Neumann
6Lydia WallAshland-Greenwood

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