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Queens University Invitational - Event results

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Congressional Debate

1Elizabeth PropstAsheville High
1Ilyas ColieAsheville High
2Elizabeth GreerAsheville High
2Ilze GreeverAsheville High
3Lewis DubrowskiArdrey Kell High School
3Varun SattenapalliProvidence High School
4Luke TillitskiCharlotte Latin School
4Neelu GuptaProvidence High School
5Hanna TischerNorth Mecklenburg H.S.
5Thomas AltmannNorthwest Guilford High School
6Hrudey VenkataramanArdrey Kell High School
6Rosie CloudNorth Mecklenburg H.S.

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1Nikhita NanduriArdrey Kell High School
2Debbi KunduArdrey Kell High School
3Rakshita KothapalliArdrey Kell High School
4Ijeoma AlozieNorth Mecklenburg H.S.
5Samantha PeanCharlotte Catholic High School
6Mariana RodriguezCharlotte Catholic High School

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Dramatic Interpretation

1Myia LeGrandeCharlotte Catholic High School
2Kaitlin MooreNorthwest Guilford High School
3Zach BergMorristown East High School
4Spencer Page Providence High School
5Sophia TempletonNorth Mecklenburg H.S.
6Isabela CeelyCharlotte Catholic High School

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Duo Interpretation

1Brynn Heslin and Katherine WellbornCharlotte Catholic High School
2Avideep Pradhan and Ethan KimArdrey Kell High School
3Isabela Ceely and Mariana RodriguezCharlotte Catholic High School
4Bill Chen and Jack BarnettNorth Mecklenburg H.S.
5Hannah Clarkson and Preston HilliardAsheville High

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Extemporaneous Speaking

1Anoova GuthikondaArdrey Kell High School
2Meghana VattiguntaArdrey Kell High School
3Swathi DamodaranArdrey Kell High School
4Kathleen Wang Providence High School
5Charlotte Houser Providence High School
6Max MavianProvidence High School

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Humorous Interpretation

1Julian PriceNorth Mecklenburg H.S.
2Jack BarnettNorth Mecklenburg H.S.
3Sophia TempletonNorth Mecklenburg H.S.
4Caroline PrendivilleCharlotte Catholic High School
5Anthony CianoCharlotte Catholic High School
6Sebastian BarajasProvidence High School

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Impromptu Speaking

1Zach BergMorristown East High School
2Satya KhuranaNorth Mecklenburg H.S.
3Gayatri ChopraProvidence High School
4Jennifer JuddMyers Park High School
5Max MavianProvidence High School
6Adam CraftNorthwest Guilford High School

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Informative Speaking

1Akshra PaimagamMyers Park High School
2Daniel WarthamMyers Park High School
3Satya KhuranaNorth Mecklenburg H.S.
4Amy MurdockArdrey Kell High School
5Hannah ClarksonAsheville High
6Samantha PeanCharlotte Catholic High School

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JV Lincoln Douglas Debate

1Campbell MorrisonCharlotte Catholic High School
2Seihn KimNorthwest Guilford High School
3Joshua KokatnurCharlotte Catholic High School
4Rohit JaggaArdrey Kell High School
5Louis CianoCharlotte Catholic High School
6Elias AltmanMyers Park High School

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JV Public Forum Debate

1Fletcher Curran and Harry WhiteCharlotte Catholic High School
2Aakanksh Goskonda and Samay PiduruArdrey Kell High School
3Dean Antonilli Jr. and Matthew RuffCharlotte Catholic High School
4Amith Koneru and Jakob NusinovNorth Mecklenburg H.S.
5Jacob Skeehan and Leila GanimNorthwest Guilford High School
6Sreyas Sureneni and Vats MewadaArdrey Kell High School

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Original Oratory

1Amy MurdockArdrey Kell High School
2Satya KhuranaNorth Mecklenburg H.S.
3Radhika KattulaArdrey Kell High School
4Anoova GuthikondaArdrey Kell High School
5Preston HilliardAsheville High
6Nivi RamasamyArdrey Kell High School

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Program Oral Interpretation

1Ethan KimArdrey Kell High School
2Emma CarterProvidence High School
3Isabella Sharps-MyersArdrey Kell High School
4Ana UrrutiaProvidence High School
5Katrina NillesCharlotte Catholic High School
6Ondessa KiliruAsheville High

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Varsity Lincoln Douglas Debate

1Alex WhiteNorthwest Guilford High School
2David EdwardsCharlotte Catholic High School
3Anna MarsicanoArdrey Kell High School
4Capri D'SouzaNorthwest Guilford High School
5Mariusz Derezinski-ChooNorthwest Guilford High School
6Julian YocumMyers Park High School

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Varsity Public Forum Debate

1Ben Neill and Kaylee O'BrienAsheville High
2Ella Icard and Sahaj ZalavadiaMyers Park High School
3Anusha Dubey and Erin LeeArdrey Kell High School
4Margot Neligan and Zoe SpicerCharlotte Latin School
5Timothy DiVittorio and Wil McKaneCharlotte Catholic High School
6Callan Hazeldine and Christian BrownArdrey Kell High School

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