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FFL - Region 5 Qualifier - Event results

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Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking

1Dominic ChiapponeBelen Jesuit
2Alex DrayRansom Everglades
3Alex MendelsonRansom Everglades
4Christopher AlvarezBelen Jesuit
5Mitchell DiazMiami Beach Senior High
6Matheus Marquez-SterlingImmaculata-LaSalle High School
Fin.Mitch RogoffMiami Beach Senior High

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Dramatic Interpretation

1Christina James
Another Breath
Dr. Michael Krop Senior High
2Adrian Colina
Jails Hospitals and Hip Hop
G. Holmes Braddock
3Ilija Wan-Simm
The Kite Runner
Ransom Everglades
4Ely Martinez
Milk of Amnesia (published in O Solo Homo: A New Queer Performance)
Miami Beach Senior High
5Daniela BolanosG. Holmes Braddock
6William Espinosa
The Gift Of Toungues
G. Holmes Braddock
Fin.Gissele MartinezG. Holmes Braddock

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Duo Interpretation

1Adrian Colina and Alejandro Cuellar-Mayoral
Strange Fruit
G. Holmes Braddock
2Christina James and Jordan Singer
Yellow Crocus
Dr. Michael Krop Senior High
3Alexander Blanco and Michael MesaBelen Jesuit
4Melissa Orama and Wendy Rodriguez
G. Holmes Braddock
5Matthew Rocha and Sarah Rahman
The Tale of Despereaux
Ransom Everglades
6Randi Argow and Ryan Berg
Breath Sounds
Dr. Michael Krop Senior High
Fin.Kaysey Boscico and Marcarthiur PolycarpeNorth Miami Senior High

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Humorous Interpretation

1Henry Schermerhorn
The Complete Monty Python
Ransom Everglades
2Addy Weintraub
Primary English Class
Ransom Everglades
3Lucas Mesquita
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
Dr. Michael Krop Senior High

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Informative Speaking

1Jacki Hatch
Suit Up
Dr. Michael Krop Senior High
2Christopher AguiarChristopher Columbus High School
3Jorge PicosChristopher Columbus High School
4Armando HurtadoChristopher Columbus High School
5Xavier CurielChristopher Columbus High School

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International Extemporaneous Speaking

1Zach FotiadisMiami Beach Senior High
2Kevin ValidoBelen Jesuit
3Gaby MoralesMiami Beach Senior High
4Kevin CejasChristopher Columbus High School
5Lucas MinerRansom Everglades
6Andre HallBelen Jesuit
Fin.Robert DiazChristopher Columbus High School

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Lincoln Douglas Debate

1Jesus CapoChristopher Columbus High School
2Albert SanchezChristopher Columbus High School
3Angel ToroChristopher Columbus High School
4Javier HernandezChristopher Columbus High School
5Daniel De IzaguirreChristopher Columbus High School
6Valentina AlaimoImmaculata-LaSalle High School
Fin.Andrew CastroChristopher Columbus High School

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Oral Interpretation

1Alexander BlancoBelen Jesuit
2Yanea ThomasNorth Miami Senior High
3Tiffany Guzman
Prose - Middle School Is Worse Then Meatloaf /
G. Holmes Braddock
4Diana Garcia Del Prado
Prose - Tuesday Afternoon Drinking Club from I Regret Nothing: A Memoir
G. Holmes Braddock
5Amanda Bascoy
I'm Not the Biggest Bitch in This Relationship: Hilarious, Heartwarming Tales About Man's Best Frien
G. Holmes Braddock
6Loudridge PierreNorth Miami Senior High

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Original Oratory

1Heavyn Lee
And Education for All
Miami Beach Senior High
2Jacki Hatch
A Reassure Thing
Dr. Michael Krop Senior High
3Malai Escamilia
Preposterous Prejudice
G. Holmes Braddock
4Georgia Crosby
Get Real!
Ransom Everglades
5Carlos Souffront
Out of Focus
Ransom Everglades
6Mia Catania
What is Normal?
Miami Beach Senior High
Fin.Alex Dray
Grow a Pair
Ransom Everglades

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Policy Debate

1Matthew Rockwell and Rafael CasanovaChristopher Columbus High School
1Andres Perez and Marcos OrtegaChristopher Columbus High School
1Carlos Gutierrez and Sean BuecheleChristopher Columbus High School
1Aiden Kennedy and Nicolas SosaChristopher Columbus High School

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Program Oral Interpretation

1Jordan Singer
Sidelined (Beautiful You, Amy, Pretty, The Origin of Breast Milk, This Photo Sums Up Trump's Assault
Dr. Michael Krop Senior High
2Ilija Wan-Simm
Ransom Everglades
3Megan Houchin
Invisible Ink
Ransom Everglades

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Public Forum Debate

1Brianna Kerr and Marley RywellRansom Everglades
2Alexander Sherer and Guido DominguezMiami Beach Senior High
3Pablo Gonzalez and Tali PeretzMiami Beach Senior High
4Alex Abinader and Thomas MurphyRansom Everglades
5Dori Schurr and Oliver SternRansom Everglades
6Aidan Murphy and Margaret DillRansom Everglades
Fin.Carlos Caballero and Kevin BjorkmanBelen Jesuit

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Student Congress

1Zoe San MartinRansom Everglades
2Dominic AbreuBelen Jesuit
3Kanor HuttonMiami Norland Senior High School
4David FrankelMiami Beach Senior High
5Nicole GuevaraG. Holmes Braddock
6Mary FaasG. Holmes Braddock
Fin.Layla ChristieMiami Norland Senior High School

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