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Rolling Meadows Varsity Invitational - Event results

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Dramatic Duet Acting

1Alexandra Panos and Patrick RyanDowners Grove North
2Katherine Andolina and Kira ImowitzOak Park-River Forest
3Allie Moreton and Reagan BrownellHinsdale Central
4Elias Perez and Ola KalafarskiElk Grove
5Emma Lancaster and Tanner NewmanGrant Community High School
6Cymone Winters and Zion HurndonThornton

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Dramatic Interpretation

1Olivia CanoHersey
2Becca ZayasHuntley
3Kya EckertFreeport H.S.
4Sarah EmmelHuntley
5Kira ImowitzOak Park-River Forest
6Grace MaiettaYork

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Extemporaneous Speaking

1David FlanaganYork
2James GolenYork
3Shannon SteinesHersey
4Yasmeen Mohammed RafeeGlenbrook South
5Alexandros BalafasOak Park-River Forest
6Parth BhatnagarGlenbrook North

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Humorous Duet Acting

1Caroline Pickering and Emma NoraianNormal University
2Aaliyah Evans and Caileb TravierThornton
3Nicole Tabor and Sara KouvelisElk Grove
4AJ Janos and Faith BarrDowners Grove South
5Chloe Bassett and Harini LoganathanHinsdale Central
6Grace Furie and Joe DelortoDowners Grove North

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Humorous Interpretation

1Brianna LeysDowners Grove South
2Faith BarrDowners Grove South
3Amanda FavilaHuntley
4Kacie LeidwingerGlenbrook North
5Rebecca SkipleElk Grove
6Alyssa MoraldeDowners Grove North

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Impromptu Speaking

1Veronica CaseyHuntley
2Daniela UgaldePalatine H.S.
3Krinal ThakkarHoffman Estates H.S.
4Lauren PokonoskyPrairie Ridge

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Informative Speaking

1Elaine YanHinsdale Central
2Sara HeidenFreeport H.S.
3Amanda FavilaHuntley
4AJ JanosDowners Grove South
5Shalni SundramHinsdale Central

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Oratorical Declamation

1Daniel RialsFreeport H.S.
2Ella RedmoreFreeport H.S.
3Rakiya JohnsonDowners Grove South
4Malien TingpalpongFenton
5Kailey NelsonDowners Grove North
6Kate CaforioYork

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Original Comedy

1Faith BarrDowners Grove South
2Kayode AdebogunThornton
3Malachi WrightThornton
4Nico CarilloFenton
5Jonah OcutoDowners Grove South
6Emma NoraianNormal University

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Original Oratory

1Malien TingpalpongFenton
2Emily DowYork
3Faith LeyDowners Grove South
4Rakiya JohnsonDowners Grove South
5Ben JaegerElk Grove
6Emily RhodesFenton

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Poetry Reading

1Jordyn BlytheNormal University
2Kya EckertFreeport H.S.
3Rakiya JohnsonDowners Grove South
4Daniela UgaldePalatine H.S.
5Halle BaldwinPrairie Ridge
6Avie MagnerYork

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Prose Reading

1Allie MoretonHinsdale Central
2Becca ZayasHuntley
3Grace MorganPrairie Ridge
4Megan MeliaHinsdale Central
5Keely AlfanoHuntley
6Erin McDermottProspect
Fin.Aitanna NadalaFenton

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Radio Speaking

1Kristyn StallingsThornton
2David PeterDowners Grove South
3Ashwin PrabhuHoffman Estates H.S.
4Katie BabichFenton
5Faith LeyDowners Grove South
6Catherine SpannHersey
Fin.Sachi GoelConant

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Special Occasion Speaking

1Malachi WrightThornton
2Kate EmmelHuntley
3Kristyn StallingsThornton
4Kailey NelsonDowners Grove North
5Hayley DeSilvaDowners Grove South
6Amber BretanaElk Grove
Fin.Emma WozniakRolling Meadows
Fin.Arij AhmedHoffman Estates H.S.

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