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Downers Grove South Novice Invitational - Event results

Downers Grove South Novice Invitational - Dramatic Duet Acting Final results

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1Anne Robertson and Patrick KellySandburg
2Nathan Salstone and Scott LambGlenbrook North
3Courtneigh Summerrise and Molly DettmannMarian
3Michael Notardonato and Nora LaidemanNaperville North
3Alona King and Shivani KhakhkharSandburg
4Abby Armato and Harry BodellDowners Grove South
5Kristin Kremer and Thea KilinkerDowners Grove South
5Flowers and LairdGlenbard West
5Adriel Irizarry and Alex Baker Plainfield North
5Ann-Kathleen Ndinga and Destin Patton - WarnerThornton
5Haley Carmichael and Katie CoyWheaton North
6Deyan Dimov and Sean GranseeLake Park
6Alexandria Thomas and Porshay LloydThornridge

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