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Ferry Forensics Festival @ LFHS - Event results

Ferry Forensics Festival @ LFHS - Humorous Duet Acting Final results

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1Allie Long and Catie KuckesLena-Winslow
1Bernard Gayton and Keaton FahnestockStreamwood HS
2Aline Munyansanga and Casey SyronBartlett
2Emily Blim and Nick TrivelasOak Park-River Forest
3Dena Buttacaroli and Natalie HilvertBartlett
3Momina Khan and Reagan MorehouseLake Forest
3Andrew Piechota and Jenny PothLake Forest
3Lauren Frost and Madeline HoepfOak Park-River Forest
3Jen Oswald and Michelle BautistaSouth Elgin
3Ricky Lopez and Tom LaGambinaSouth Elgin
4Angie Lake and Sierra DeLanderLena-Winslow
4Mariah Sebring and Natalie GarciaLibertyville
4Catherine Bustos and Janice KulkaMaine West
4Ashley Baumhardt and Morgan PetrikoMaine West
4Annesti Elmasri and Brianna JarnaginNorthside College Prep
5Katryna Check and Kenny GreenCary-Grove
5Christina Cinaj and Maggie DurrahNorthside College Prep
6Ben Brissette and Brian FoxMaine West
6John Desai and Nick HaddadProspect
6Kyle Scott and Simon MischenkoProspect
6Hannah Compton and Harlen Rosen Wheeling

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