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HNS/CCHS Invite - Event results

HNS/CCHS Invite - JV Oral Interpretation of Drama Final results

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1Delayne Sudbeck, Kayden Jueden, Keanna Korth, Makenna Clarkson and Shelby UnderwoodHartington-Newcastle
2Alexis Campbell, Elly Kurpgeweit, Jeston Hassler and Mikayla MillerBattle Creek
3Allie Dahl, Gavin Potts, Lauren Bushkamp, Quinn Schieffer and Sarah KleinschmitCrofton
4Alex McKeown, Caydan Retzlaff, Emilia Goetsch, Halle Ross and Maiya BaumannPierce
5Cara Dvorak, Jacob Tomcak, Jadyn Burenheide and Regan BurenheideHowells-Dodge
6August Creekmore, Brooklynn Lammers, Jaron Kleinschmit, Josh Pinkelman and Rebekah KleinschmitHartington Cedar Catholic

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