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OSDA GMV District Tournament - Event results

OSDA GMV District Tournament - Duo Interpretation Final results

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1Arjun Narang and Sia DornheckerMason
2Alexx Anderson and Izzy Caruso
Ramona and Beezus
3Anisha Sheth and Milena Alappatt
The Under-a-Minutemen Present: Literary Canon Fodder
Centerville High School
3Keara Connolly and Toni Moore
The Play that goes wrong
5Ayushe Nagpal and Juhi RaiMason
6Annika Tayal and Ruhani Patel
Bedtime Stories(as told by our dad) (who messed them up)
Centerville High School
Fin.Halle O'Hara and Maggie Bremner
“Home Alone”

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