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Elimination round roster

Fishers Forensic Festival

Semifinal round

Note: This is only a speech speaking order or a list of congress or debate qualifiers, and these are not results.

Section 1
1Ally Marshall and Max KeithleyFishers
2Anna Leady and Bryn JacksonChesterton
3Jade Miller and Olivia SchneiderCathedral
4Brayton Wilds and Kaleigh StohlerFishers
5Imaan Mirza and Madeleine LoewenPark Tudor Speech
6Andy Ross and R'Nia CrockettConcord

Entries whose names were not entered in the tournament tab room will not be posted online.

Section 2
1Andrew Haines and Katy SmithPlymouth
2Claire Cox and Kate MichaelFishers
3Levi Crawford and Trevor PletcherPlymouth
4Cassie Meyer and Jillian MeyerFishers
5Josh Hogan and Logan SummersChesterton
6Jenna Pyle and Joey CeroneFishers

Entries whose names were not entered in the tournament tab room will not be posted online.

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