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Elimination round roster

Pierce High School Bluejay Invite
JV Oral Interpretation of Drama

Final round

Note: This is only a speech speaking order or a list of congress or debate qualifiers, and these are not results.

1Cara Dvorak, Jacob Tomcak, Jadyn Burenheide and Regan BurenheideHowells-Dodge
2Alex McKeown, Caydan Retzlaff, Emilia Goetsch, Halle Ross and Maiya BaumannPierce
3Alexis Campbell, Elly Kurpgeweit, Jeston Hassler and Mikayla MillerBattle Creek
4Hannah Schrader, Kyle Snodgrass and Parker TinsleyNeligh Oakdale
5Bridget Praest, Ellie Sheaks, Emily Wragge and Rebecca SwandaHowells-Dodge
6Christopher Woerdemann, Dylan Anderson, Isaac Davis, Liam Spieker and Walker HochsteinWayne

Entries whose names were not entered in the tournament tab room will not be posted online.

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