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Elimination round roster

Pierce High School Bluejay Invite
Varsity Oral Interpretation of Drama

Final round

Note: This is only a speech speaking order or a list of congress or debate qualifiers, and these are not results.

1Brynn Hamer, Chloe Volk, Cora Gillespie, Maisey Clausen and Tessa KrugerBattle Creek
2Chris Bialas, Tylea Thompson and Yasmine BenderHumphrey-Lindsay
3Krista Lenz, Mallori Hinkel, Rebekah McCaffrey and Tessa SchaecherBattle Creek
4Abigail White, Dylan Delka, Jaden Gleason, Janae Arens and Macie TimmPierce
5Dylan Arends, Emily Cunningham, Ethan Vinson, Kathleen Howland and Madison MahoneyColumbus Lakeview
6Ben Praeuner, Lucas Hrabanek and Vaughn FinkralBattle Creek

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