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Elimination round roster

Ladue Novice Invitational
Improvisational Duet Acting

Semifinal round

Note: This is only a speech speaking order or a list of congress or debate qualifiers, and these are not results.

Section 1
1Elliot Anderson and Rylee CampbellJefferson City
2Henna Lee and Thaniskaa PiruthivirajParkway Central
3Harvey Munter and Rylee GoodrichHickman
4Catherine Jacobs and Owen DavisHelias Speech and Debate
5Trey Maxwell and Vallon SuttonMaplewood Richmond Heights High School
6Aryan Allu and Vinay PrajapathiParkway West
7Kamryn Ringling and Malia HopperWarrenton High School

Entries whose names were not entered in the tournament tab room will not be posted online.

Section 2
1Dhruv Chakravarthula and Siddharth SawantMarquette Speech and Debate Team
2Chloe Till and Trinity BowersHelias Speech and Debate
3Cheyenne Barnes and Jocelyn StevensWarrenton High School
4Jasmine Dong and Regan GriffinFrancis Howell North
5Bethany Liao and Neil DhimanParkway West
6Evan Moore and Kai GoodenPattonville
7Mihir Bhalla and Opal AoRock Bridge High School

Entries whose names were not entered in the tournament tab room will not be posted online.

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