Katherine Andolina | 2 | Radio Speaking (RS) | Varsity |
Ellie Bourgikos | 3 | Impromptu Speaking (IMP) | Varsity |
Ellie Bourgikos | 4 | Informative Speaking (INF) | Varsity |
Meenah Harbaugh | 5 | Prose Reading (PRO) | Varsity |
Alex Shrader | 6 | Original Oratory (OO) | Novice |
Kira Imowitz | 6 | Poetry Reading (POE) | Varsity |
Maeve Doody and Meenah Harbaugh | 6 | Dramatic Duet Acting (DDA) | Varsity |
Kira Imowitz | Fin. | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Varsity |
Alexandros Balafas | 1 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Maeve Doody | 1 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Varsity |
Katherine Andolina | 4 | Poetry Reading (POE) | Varsity |
Nora McIntyre | 5 | Original Comedy (OC) | Novice |
Alex Shrader | Fin. | Oratorical Declamation (OD) | Novice |
Caroline Kansa | 4 | Special Occasion Speaking (SOS) | JV |
Naomi Coke | 4 | Poetry Reading (POE) | JV |
Alex Shrader | 6 | Informative Speaking (INF) | JV |
Alex Shrader | 6 | Oratorical Declamation (OD) | JV |
Ellie Bourgikos | 2 | Informative Speaking (INF) | Varsity |
Kira Imowitz | 3 | Poetry Reading (POE) | Varsity |
Nico Gonzalez-Stuver | 4 | Prose Reading (PRO) | Varsity |
Katherine Andolina | 5 | Poetry Reading (POE) | Varsity |
Kira Imowitz | Fin. | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Varsity |
Ellie Bourgikos | 1 | Informative Speaking (INF) | Varsity |
Maeve Doody | 6 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Varsity |
Nora McIntrye | Fin. | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Novice |
Parthenia Gharavi | 1 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Ellie Bourgikos | 2 | Informative Speaking (INF) | Varsity |
Ellie Bourgikos | 3 | Impromptu Speaking (IMP) | Varsity |
Kira Imowitz | Fin. | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Varsity |
Katherine Andolina | 1 | Poetry Reading (POE) | Varsity |
Serena Daley | 2 | Original Comedy (OC) | Varsity |
Nico Gonzalez-Stuver | 3 | Prose Reading (PRO) | Varsity |
Katherine Andolina | Fin. | Radio Speaking (RS) | Varsity |
Maeve Doody | 3 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Varsity |
Ellie Bourgikos | 5 | Impromptu Speaking (IMP) | Varsity |
Parthenia Gharavi | 6 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Parthenia Gharavi | 6 | Original Oratory (OO) | Varsity |
Ellie Bourgikos | 1 | Impromptu Speaking (IMP) | Varsity |
Maeve Doody | 1 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Varsity |
Katherine Andolina and Kira Imowitz | 2 | Dramatic Duet Acting (DDA) | Varsity |
Parthenia Gharavi | 2 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Maeve Doody and Meenah Harbaugh | 3 | Dramatic Duet Acting (DDA) | Varsity |
Nico Gonzalez-Stuver | 3 | Prose Reading (PRO) | Varsity |
Maeve Doody | 4 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Varsity |
Alexandros Balafas | 5 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Meenah Harbaugh | Fin. | Prose Reading (PRO) | Varsity |
Lauren deBeers and Marissa Kuriakos | Fin. | Improvisational Duet Acting (IDA) | Varsity |
Lily Ader and Nora McIntyrera McIntyre | Fin. | Improvisational Duet Acting (IDA) | Varsity |
Meenah Harbaugh | 1 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Varsity |
Kira Imowitz | 2 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Varsity |
Jannai Bates | 3 | Prose Reading (PRO) | Varsity |
Parthenia Gharavi | 3 | Original Oratory (OO) | Varsity |
Emmanuel Flores and Greg Hann | 4 | Dramatic Duet Acting (DDA) | Varsity |
Emmanuel Flores | 4 | Special Occasion Speaking (SOS) | Varsity |
Marissa Kuriakos | 6 | Oratorical Declamation (OD) | Varsity |
Ellie Bourgikos | 1 | Informative Speaking (INF) | Varsity |
Parthenia Gharavi | 2 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Ellie Bourgikos | 1 | Impromptu Speaking (IMP) | Varsity |
Ellie Bourgikos | 2 | Informative Speaking (INF) | Varsity |
Jannai Bates | 2 | Prose Reading (PRO) | Varsity |
Maeve Doody | 2 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Varsity |
Parthenia Gharavi | 2 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Maeve Doody and Meenah Harbaugh | 3 | Dramatic Duet Acting (DDA) | Varsity |
Marissa Kuriakos | 4 | Oratorical Declamation (OD) | Varsity |
Alexandros Balafas | 4 | Special Occasion Speaking (SOS) | Varsity |
Katherine Andolina | 4 | Radio Speaking (RS) | Varsity |
Kira Imowitz | 4 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Varsity |
Parthenia Gharavi | 2 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Ellie Bourgikos | 2 | Impromptu Speaking (IMP) | Varsity |
Ellie Bourgikos | 3 | Informative Speaking (INF) | Varsity |
Parthenia Gharavi | 3 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Parthenia Gharavi | 5 | Special Occasion Speaking (SOS) | Varsity |
Jannai Bates | Fin. | Prose Reading (PRO) | Varsity |
Ellie Bourgikos | 1 | Impromptu Speaking (IMP) | Varsity |
Maeve Doody | 5 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Varsity |
Katherine Andolina and Kira Imowitz | 2 | Dramatic Duet Acting (DDA) | Varsity |
Alexandros Balafas | 5 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Kira Imowitz | 5 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Varsity |
Maeve Doody | 2 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Varsity |
Ellie Bourgikos | 3 | Informative Speaking (INF) | Varsity |
Parthenia Gharavi | 4 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |
Ellie Bourgikos | 1 | Impromptu Speaking (IMP) | Varsity |
Ellie Bourgikos | 3 | Informative Speaking (INF) | Varsity |
Serena Daley | 4 | Original Comedy (OC) | Varsity |
Parthenia Gharavi | 5 | Extemporaneous Speaking (ES) | Varsity |