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Team results

A High School team from Minnesota

Viewing results from 2017-2018. Change season:

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Team sweepstakes results
Competitor results

Team sweepstakes results
3MSHSL Section 8AA South Tournament71
4Pequot Lakes Early Bird Tournament28
5Central Lakes Conference Meet36
5Who? What? When? Where? WILLMAR!18
6Brainerd Open40
9Sauk Rapids-Rice SPEECH MADNESS15.25

Competitor results

Alexandria Cardinal Invite - Final results
Ellie Karasch1Extemporaneous Reading (ER)Varsity
Katherine Ronyak and Mackenzie Hansen1Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Otto Klemp2Humorous Interpretation (HI)Varsity
Thor Anderson2Great Speeches (GrSp)Varsity
Joshua Engelkes3Informative Speaking (INF)Varsity
Jenna Yang4Creative Expression (CrX)Varsity
Joshua Engelkes4Storytelling (STY)Varsity
Jenna Yang5Prose Reading (PRO)Varsity
Emily Domres and Hannah SchnettlerFin.Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Allison Bunkers and Eliza CasperFin.Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Anya OverlienFin.Humorous Interpretation (HI)Varsity
Jenna YangFin.Impromptu Speaking (IMP)Varsity
Katherine RonyakFin.Prose Reading (PRO)Varsity
Brooke Eibensteiner and Hannah HackenmuellerFin.Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Ellie KaraschFin.Humorous Interpretation (HI)Varsity
Grace RadekeFin.Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Otto KlempFin.Extemporaneous Reading (ER)Varsity
Taelor NebelFin.Extemporaneous Reading (ER)Varsity
Ella DoedenFin.Poetry Reading (POE)Varsity
Brainerd Open - Final results
Jenna Yang1Prose Reading (PRO)Varsity
Ellie Karasch2Extemporaneous Reading (ER)Varsity
Joshua Engelkes4Informative Speaking (INF)Varsity
Anya Overlien6Humorous interpretation (HI)Varsity
Thor Anderson6Great Speeches (GrSp)Varsity
Brainerd Open - Next-in Final results
Joshua Engelkes1Storytelling (STY)Varsity
Katherine Ronyak and Mackenzie Hansen1Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Bennett Hill and Jack Hackenmueller2Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Ellie Karasch2Humorous interpretation (HI)Varsity
Brooke Eibensteiner and Hannah Hackenmueller4Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Jenna Yang4Creative Expression (CrX)Varsity
Mackenzie Hansen6Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Central Lakes Conference Meet - Final results
Otto Klemp1Humorous Interpretation (HI)Varsity
Emily Domres and Hannah Schnettler2Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Allison Bunkers and Eliza Casper3Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Thor Anderson4Great Speeches (GrSp)Varsity
Otto Klemp5Extemporaneous Reading (ER)Varsity
Grace RadekeFin.Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Bennett Hill and Jack HackenmuellerFin.Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Joshua EngelkesFin.Storytelling (STY)Varsity
Katherine RonyakFin.Prose Reading (PRO)Varsity
Amber PietrowskiFin.Prose Reading (PRO)Varsity
Katherine Ronyak and Mackenzie HansenFin.Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Shea StuckeyFin.Humorous Interpretation (HI)Varsity
Jack HackenmuellerFin.Original Oratory (OO)Varsity
Joshua EngelkesFin.Informative Speaking (INF)Varsity
Tierney HammerFin.Storytelling (STY)Varsity
MSHSL 8AA Section Tournament - Final results
Katherine Ronyak and Mackenzie Hansen5Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Bennett Hill and Jack Hackenmueller6Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Grace Radeke6Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Jenna Yang6Prose (PRO)Varsity
MSHSL Section 8AA South Tournament - Final results
Jenna Yang1Prose Reading (PRO)Varsity
Amber Pietrowski2Prose Reading (PRO)Varsity
Grace Radeke2Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Katherine Ronyak and Mackenzie Hansen2Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Bennett Hill and Jack Hackenmueller3Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Otto Klemp3Humorous Interpretation (HI)Varsity
Shea Stuckey4Humorous Interpretation (HI)Varsity
Anya Overlien5Humorous Interpretation (HI)Varsity
Brooke Eibensteiner and Hannah Hackenmueller5Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Ella Doeden5Poetry Reading (POE)Varsity
Thor Anderson5Great Speeches (GrSp)Varsity
Emily Domres and Hannah Schnettler6Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Allison Bunkers and Eliza CasperFin.Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Ellie KaraschFin.Extemporaneous Reading (ER)Varsity
Joshua EngelkesFin.Storytelling (STY)Varsity
Brooke SwansonFin.Poetry Reading (POE)Varsity
Pequot Lakes Early Bird Tournament - Final results
Jenna Yang2Prose Reading (PRO)Varsity
Jenna Yang3Creative Expressions (CR)Varsity
Otto Klemp3Extemp. Reading (ExRdg)Varsity
Ellie Karasch4Humorous Interpretation (HI)Varsity
Ellie Karasch5Extemp. Reading (ExRdg)Varsity
Joshua Engelkes5Storytelling (STY)Varsity
Otto Klemp6Humorous Interpretation (HI)Varsity
Prior Lake High School Laker Speech Tournament - Final results
Jenna Yang4Creative Expression (CrX)Varsity
Brooke Eibensteiner and Hannah Hackenmueller6Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Bennett Hill and Jack HackenmuellerFin.Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Prior Lake High School Laker Speech Tournament - Next-in Final results
Jenna Yang5Prose Reading (PRO)Varsity
Sauk Rapids-Rice SPEECH MADNESS - Final results
Jenna Yang1Prose Reading (PRO)Varsity
Emily Domres and Hannah Schnettler2Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Brooke Eibensteiner and Hannah HackenmuellerFin.Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Grace RadekeFin.Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Jack HackenmuellerFin.Original Oratory (OO)Varsity
Joshua EngelkesFin.Storytelling (STY)Varsity
Katherine Ronyak and Mackenzie HansenFin.Duo Improv (IDA)Varsity
Sauk Rapids-Rice SPEECH MADNESS - Next-in Final results
Thor Anderson1Great Speeches (GrSp)Varsity
Ellie Karasch2Humorous Interpretation (HI)Varsity
Jenna Yang2Creative Expression (CrX)Varsity
Otto Klemp3Extemporaneous Reading (ER)Varsity
Otto Klemp3Humorous Interpretation (HI)Varsity
Katherine Ronyak and Mackenzie Hansen4Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
St Cloud SpecTECHular Tournament - Final results
Joshua EngelkesFin.Storytelling (STY)Varsity
St Cloud SpecTECHular Tournament - Next-in Final results
Amber Pietrowski6Prose (Pro)Varsity
STMA Knights Invitational - Final results
Thor Anderson5Great Speeches (GrSp)Varsity
Brooke Eibensteiner and Hannah HackenmuellerFin.Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Joshua EngelkesFin.Storytelling (STY)Varsity
STMA Knights Invitational - Next-in Final results
Otto Klemp3Humorous Interpretation (HI)Varsity
Joshua Engelkes4Informative Speaking (INF)Varsity
Ellie Karasch5Humorous Interpretation (HI)Varsity
Grace Radeke5Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Who? What? When? Where? WILLMAR! - Final results
Jenna Yang1Creative Expression (CrX)Varsity
Otto Klemp2Extemporaneous Reading (ER)Varsity
Allison Bunkers and Eliza Casper3Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Jenna Yang3Prose Reading (PRO)Varsity
Otto Klemp6Humorous Interpretation (HI)Varsity
Katherine RonyakFin.Humorous Interpretation (HI)Varsity

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