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Team results

La Porte Debate
A High School team from Indiana

Viewing results from 2017-2018. Change season:

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Team sweepstakes results
Competitor results

Team sweepstakes results
5Munster High School Varsity Debate Meet23.5
6Larry Stuber Memorial Debate Tournament11
8LaPorte 'No Snow, Let's Go!' Tournament7

Competitor results

LaPorte 'No Snow, Let's Go!' Tournament - Final results
Graham Siefker1Novice Congress (SC)Novice
James Malony2Novice Congress (SC)Novice
Ava Sinclair5Novice Congress (SC)Novice
Tyla Gross and Yazmin LopezFin.Varsity 2-Person Policy Debate (2P)Varsity
Dylan Grace and Zach CooperFin.Varsity 2-Person Policy Debate (2P)Varsity
Sarah McGuireFin.Varsity Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD)Varsity
Jessenia Campos and Kiara LandrumFin.Varsity Public Forum Debate (PF)Varsity
Leslie SeadorfFin.Novice Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD)Novice
Sarita PillaiFin.Novice Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD)Novice
Larry Stuber Memorial Debate Tournament - Final results
James Malony2Novice Student Congress (SC)Novice
Graham Siefker5Novice Student Congress (SC)Novice
Tyla Gross and Yazmin LopezFin.Varsity 2-Person Policy Debate (2P)Varsity
Jordyn JohnsonFin.Novice Student Congress (SC)Novice
Sarah McGuireFin.Varsity Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD)Varsity
Drew LipscombFin.Novice Student Congress (SC)Novice
Sarita PillaiFin.Novice Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD)Novice
Munster High School Varsity Debate Meet - Final results
James Malony1Novice Congress (CONG)Novice
Graham Siefker2Novice Congress (CONG)Novice
Ava Sinclair3Novice Congress (CONG)Novice
Jordan Johnson5Novice Congress (CONG)Novice
Dylan Grace and Zach CooperFin.Varsity Policy Debate (CX)Varsity
Logan GardFin.Novice Congress (CONG)Novice
Tyla Gross and Yazmin LopezFin.Varsity Policy Debate (CX)Varsity
Drew Lipscomb and Rob SanfordFin.Novice Public Forum Debate (PF)Novice
Leslie SeadorfFin.Novice Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD)Novice
West Lafayette Debate Tournament - Final results
James MaloryFin.Novice Congress (SC)Novice

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