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Team results

South Central
A High School team from Nebraska

Viewing results from 2017-2018. Change season:

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Competitor results

Competitor results

Fairbury Jeff Invite - Final results
Alexia Schiermeyer, Allison Story, Brittany Godtel and Rami Hinrichs1Oral Interpretation of Drama (OID)Varsity
Atley Van Emmerik1Oral Interpretation of Humorous Prose (HP)Varsity
Bailey Switzer1Extemporaneous Speaking (ES)Varsity
Charlotte Okraska, Dylan Schweer, Faith Mueller, Jordan Heinz and Maggie Rieckman2Oral Interpretation of Drama (OID)Varsity
Jordan Heinz and Serenity Caves2Duet Acting (DA)Varsity
Rami Hinrichs2Oral Interpretation of Humorous Prose (HP)Varsity
Allison Story4Entertainment Speaking (ENT)Varsity
Atley Van Emmerik4Oral Interpretation of Poetry (POE)Varsity
Tyler Black6Extemporaneous Speaking (ES)Varsity
NSAA District B-3/C1-1/D2-1 Tournament (Lincoln Southwest) - Final results
Allison Story3C1-1 Entertainment Speaking (ENT)Class C1-1
Atley Van Emmerik3C1-1 Oral Interpretation of Poetry (POE)Class C1-1
Alexia Schiermeyer, Allison Story, Brittany Godtel and Rami Hinrichs4C1-1 Oral Interpretation of Drama (OID)Class C1-1
Atley Van Emmerik4C1-1 Oral Interpretation of Humorous Prose (HP)Class C1-1
Charlotte Okraska and Margaret Rieckman4C1-1 Duet Acting (DA)Class C1-1
Noah Shackelford4C1-1 Extemporaneous Speaking (ES)Class C1-1
Serenity Caves4C1-1 Oral Interpretation of Serious Prose (SP)Class C1-1
Bailey Switzer5C1-1 Extemporaneous Speaking (ES)Class C1-1
Charlotte Okraska, Dylan Schweer, Faith Mueller, Jordan Heinz and Margaret Rieckman5C1-1 Oral Interpretation of Drama (OID)Class C1-1
Southern Nebraska Conference Speech Meet - Final results
Alexia Schiermeyer, Allison Story, Brittany Godtel and Rami Hinrichs5Oral Interpretation of Drama (OID)Varsity
Atley Van Emmerik6Humorous Prose (IHP)Varsity
Charlotte Okraska, Dylan Schweer, Faith Mueller, Jordan Heinz and Maggie Rieckman6Oral Interpretation of Drama (OID)Varsity
Thayer Central Invite - Final results
Atley Van Emmerik3Oral Interpretation of Poetry (POE)Varsity
Noah Shackelford3N - Extemporaneous (EXT)Novice
Alexia Schiermeyer, Allison Story, Brittany Godtel and Rami Hinrichs4Oral Interpretation of Drama (OID)Varsity
Charlotte Okraska, Dylan Schweer, Faith Mueller, Jordan Heinz and Maggie Rieckman5Oral Interpretation of Drama (OID)Varsity

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