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Team results

Omaha Duchesne Academy
A High School team from Nebraska

Viewing results from 2017-2018. Change season:

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Team sweepstakes results
Competitor results

Team sweepstakes results
3Millard North Novice30
5Papillion LaVista South High School Invitational21

Competitor results

Husker Holiday Speech Tournament - Final results
Juliana Angel 4Dramatic Interpretation (SP)Varsity
Maggie Smith and Mia Thomas5DOU Interpretation (DA)Varsity
Husker Holiday Speech Tournament - Next-in Final results
Tess Bowler 6Dramatic Interpretation (SP)Varsity
Millard North Novice - Final results
Clary Doyle2Novice Informative Speaking (INF)Novice
Mary Margaret Bausch 2Novice Poetry Interp (POE)Novice
Tess Bowler 2Novice Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Novice
NSAA District B-2/C1-4 Tournament (Raymond Central) - Final results
Maggie Smith and Mia Thomas1B-2 Duet Acting (DA)Class B-2
Juliana Angel 3B-2 Oral Interpretation of Serious Prose (SP)Class B-2
Jaden Garcia4B-2 Oral Interpretation of Poetry (POE)Class B-2
NSAA State Speech Championships 2018 - Final results
Maggie Smith and Mia Thomas6Class B Duet Acting (DA)Class B
Papillion LaVista South High School Invitational - Final results
Maggie Smith and Mia Thomas1Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Juliana Angel 4Oral Interpretation of Serious Prose (SP)Varsity
PLHS Monarch Royal Speech Invitational - Final results
Shyenne Starks 1Novice Poetry Interp (NPO)Novice
Mary Margaret Bausch 2Novice Poetry Interp (NPO)Novice
Maggie Smith4Varsity Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Maggie Smith and Mia Thomas4Varsity Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
River Cities Conference Tournament - Final results
Jaden Garcia3Oral Interpretation of Poetry (POE)Varsity
Chloe Fecci and Grace Hoover4Duet Acting (DA)Varsity

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