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Team results

A High School team from Indiana

Viewing results from 2017-2018. Change season:

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Team sweepstakes results
Competitor results

Competitor results

Columbus East High School Speech Invitational - Final results
Chardonnay ClarkFin.Original Oratory (OO)Varsity
Hannah RuckmanFin.Poetry Reading (POE)Varsity
Fishers Forensic Festival - Final results
Boya Zhang, Eanca Canameti, Izabella Mera and Uyen Nguyen5World Schools Debate (WORLD)Varsity
Amy Cone, Cadence Coy and Sabohiddin AbrorovFin.World Schools Debate (WORLD)Varsity
Kokomo High School Debate Meet - Final results
Gage Oldaker3Novice Congress (CONG)Novice
Katherine Gilbody and Sarah Johnson5Novice 2-Person Policy Debate (2P)Novice
Carter Moody6Novice Congress (CONG)Novice
Cadence Coy and Tanner IrishFin.Varsity Public Forum Debate (PF)Varsity
LaPorte 'No Snow, Let's Go!' Tournament - Final results
Gage Oldaker3Novice Congress (SC)Novice
Amy Cone, Chardonnay Clark, Frannie Kidwell, Izabella Mera and Uyen Nguyen5World School Vasrity (WORLD)Varsity
Shamrock Showdown - Final results
Zhane BenderFin.Poetry Novice (POE)Novice
Southport Speech & Debate Smackdown - Final results
Carter Moody3Novice Congress (CONG)Novice
Frannie Kidwell, Izabella Mera, Sabohiddin Abrorov and Uyen Nguyen4World Schools Debate (WORLD)Varsity
Amy Cone, Cadence Coy and Xinyuan Li6World Schools Debate (WORLD)Varsity
Chardonnay Clark6Novice Congress (CONG)Novice
Cole SpaydeFin.Varsity Discussion (DIS)Varsity
West Lafayette Debate Tournament - Final results
Katherine Gilbody and Sarah Johnson4Novice 2-Person Policy Debate (2P)Novice

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