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Team results

PMHS Speech
A High School team from Indiana

Viewing results from 2019-2020. Change season:

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Team sweepstakes results
Competitor results

Team sweepstakes results
5IHSFA Section 6 at Perry Meridian (2020)43
6New Castle Speech Tournament42
7IUPUC/Ivy Tech Columbus Invitational Speech Tournament28
10Red Carpet Affair13

Competitor results

Fishers Forensic Festival - Final results
James Jones4Original Performance (OP)Varsity
IHSFA Section 6 at Perry Meridian (2020) - Final results
James Jones1Original Performance (OPERF)Varsity
Delaney Moore2Prose Interpretation (PRO)Varsity
Josh Hoover3Prose Interpretation (PRO)Varsity
Lindsey Tarango 3Original Performance (OPERF)Varsity
Marissa Gibson4Original Performance (OPERF)Varsity
Angelica Allen5Informative Speaking (INF)Varsity
Synthia Davis5Prose Interpretation (PRO)Varsity
Arianna Rawlins6Prose Interpretation (PRO)Varsity
IUPUC/Ivy Tech Columbus Invitational Speech Tournament - Final results
James Jones3Original Performance (OP)Varsity
Josh Hoover4Prose Reading (PRO)Varsity
Josh Hoover5Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Biak Tha Par6Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Kamdyn KnottsFin.Original Performance (OP)Varsity
Angelica AllenFin.Informative (INF)Varsity
Red Carpet Affair - Final results
James Jones2Original Performance (OP)Varsity
Robin Whited Memorial Speech Tournament - Final results
James Jones1Original Performance (OPERF)Varsity
Delaney Moore4Prose Reading (PRO)Varsity
Marissa GibsonFin.Original Performance (OPERF)Varsity
Lindsey Tarango Fin.Original Performance (OPERF)Varsity
Josh HooverFin.Humorous Interpretation (HI)Varsity
The HSE Gobbler Speech and Debate Tournament - Final results
Synthia Davis3N. Prose (PRO)Novice
The HSE Gobbler Speech and Debate Tournament - Next-in Final results
Angelica Allen4Informative (Info)Varsity
Delaney Moore4N. Prose (PRO)Novice
Lindsey Tarango 4Original Performance (OP)Varsity
Tri High Speech Tournament - Final results
James Jones1Original Performance (OP)Varsity
Synthia Davis2Prose Reading (PRO)Varsity
Lindsey Tarango 3Original Performance (OP)Varsity
Aidan Munoz and Allyson Herrington5Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Angelica AllenFin.Informative Speech (INFO)Varsity
Delaney MooreFin.Prose Reading (PRO)Varsity
Ashley ZimmerFin.Discussion (DIS)Varsity

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