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Team results

Cass Lake-Bena
A High School team from Minnesota

Viewing results from 2019-2020. Change season:

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Team sweepstakes results
Competitor results

Competitor results

41st Walker Jr. High - Final results
Skye Miller2Creative Expression (CR)Varsity
Alivia Olson and Kendra IshamFin.Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Aiyanna Archambault-Gould and Keyara Allen-StaplesFin.Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Raelee Sherer-NasonFin.Prose (Pro)Varsity
Evalena ReamsFin.Humorous Interpretation (HI)Varsity
59th Annual Denfeld Rotary Speech Tournament - Next-in Final results
Bryanna Brunelle and Tori MatthewsFin.Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Blackduck Junior High - Final results
Alivia Olson and Kendra Isham5Duo (DUO)JV
Cass Lake-Bena Junior High/Novice Meet - Final results
Aiyanna Archambault-Gould and Raelee Sherer-Nason5Duo Interpretation (DUO)Novice
Skye MillerFin.Creative Expression (CrX)Novice
Alivia Olson and Kendra IshamFin.Duo Interpretation (DUO)Novice
Nishiime BlomgrenFin.Humorous Interpretation (HI)Novice
Evalena ReamsFin.Humorous Interpretation (HI)Novice
East Grand Forks Open - Final results
Eddie Williams4Discussion (DIS)Varsity
East Grand Forks Open - Next-in Final results
Mackenzie Stoebner1Extemporaneous Reading (ER)Varsity
Golden Bear Speech Extravaganza - Final results
Skye Miller5Creative Expression (CrX)Varsity
Grand Rapids Early Bird - Final results
Natalie Wittner and Nishiime BlomgrenFin.Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Mackenzie StoebnerFin.Extemporaneous Reading (ER)Varsity
Deenaya ReamsFin.Prose Reading (PRO)Varsity
Bethany BrownFin.Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Novena SmithFin.Poetry Reading (POE)Varsity
Pequot Lakes Jr. High - Final results
Skye Miller3Creative Expressions (CR)Junior
Aiyanna Archambault-Gould and Raelee Sherer-NasonFin.Duo Interpretation (DUO)Junior
Alivia Olson and Kendra IshamFin.Duo Interpretation (DUO)Junior
Rosalee StaplesFin.Humorous Interpretation (HI)Junior
Evalena ReamsFin.Humorous Interpretation (HI)Junior
Erin MadiganFin.Humorous Interpretation (HI)Junior

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