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Team results

A High School team from Illinois

Viewing results from 2019-2020. Change season:

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Team sweepstakes results
Competitor results

IHSA Speech State Series

Note: Only advancing competitors from each level are shown on this table.

Dramatic Duet ActingJosh Eiter and Lucas Carter2  
Dramatic InterpretationLucas Carter2  
Extemporaneous SpeakingVirginia Broadbooks3  
Humorous Duet ActingBraelyn Finley and Genevieve Smalley4  
Humorous InterpretationJocelyn Bradshaw3  
Original ComedyXander Try3  
Original OratoryLucas Altman4  
Poetry ReadingBraelynn Finley4  
Radio SpeakingNate Wieman3  
Performance in the RoundPerformance in the Round2  

All results

Team sweepstakes results
3IHSA Regional - Chatham (Glenwood)38
4Norlympia West130
5Mt. Vernon SISAL Tournament282

Competitor results

Belleville West SISAL Tournament - Final results
Lucas Carter5Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Belleville West SISAL Tournament - JV Final results
Braelyn Finley and Genevieve Smalley1Humorous Duet Acting (HDA)JV
Braelyn Finley3Poetry Reading (POE)JV
Jocelyn Bradshaw3Humorous Interpretation (HI)JV
Jocelyn Bradshaw3Original Oratory (OO)JV
Abigail LeBar4Oratorical Declamation (OD)JV
Genevieve Smalley4Dramatic Interpretation (DI)JV
Belleville West SISAL Tournament - Next-in Final results
Josh Eiter5Radio Speaking (RS)Varsity
Nate Wieman6Radio Speaking (RS)Varsity
Audrey BrinkmeyerFin.Dramatic Interpretation (DI)JV
Glenwood SISAL Tournament - Final results
Lucas Carter2Humorous Interpretation (HI)Varsity
Glenwood SISAL Tournament - JV Final results
Jocelyn Bradshaw1Humorous Interpretation (HI)JV
Braelyn Finley and Genevieve Smalley2Humorous Duet Acting (HDA)JV
Jocelyn Bradshaw2Original Oratory (OO)JV
Melody Miller2Radio Speaking (RS)JV
Virginia Broadbooks2Impromptu Speaking (IMP)JV
Virginia Broadbooks4Extemporaneous Speaking (ES)JV
Abigail LeBar5Oratorical Declamation (OD)JV
Dakota Carroll and Kyleigh Hoskins5Humorous Duet Acting (HDA)JV
Dinesh Gopi5Humorous Interpretation (HI)JV
Genevieve Smalley5Dramatic Interpretation (DI)JV
Aly Poani6Original Comedy (OC)JV
Griffin Wilson and Kellen Wilson6Dramatic Duet Acting (DDA)JV
Maggie Teaman6Dramatic Interpretation (DI)JV
Glenwood SISAL Tournament - Next-in Final results
Lucas Carter1Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
IHSA Regional - Chatham (Glenwood) - Final results
Josh Eiter and Lucas Carter2Dramatic Duet Acting (DDA)Varsity
Lucas Carter2Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Performance in the Round2Performance in the Round (PIR)Varsity
Jocelyn Bradshaw3Humorous Interpretation (HI)Varsity
Nate Wieman3Radio Speaking (RS)Varsity
Virginia Broadbooks3Extemporaneous Speaking (ES)Varsity
Xander Try3Original Comedy (OC)Varsity
Braelyn Finley and Genevieve Smalley4Humorous Duet Acting (HDA)Varsity
Braelynn Finley4Poetry Reading (POE)Varsity
Lucas Altman4Original Oratory (OO)Varsity
Mt. Vernon SISAL Tournament - Final results
Griffin Wilson and Kellen Wilson4Duo Improvisation (DPV)JV
Mt. Vernon SISAL Tournament - JV Final results
Abigail LeBar1Special Occasion Speaking (SOS)JV
Audrey Brinkmeyer1Dramatic Interpretation (DI)JV
Griffin Wilson and Kellen Wilson1Humorous Duet Acting (HDA)JV
Virginia Broadbooks1Impromptu Speaking (IMP)JV
Braelyn Finley3Poetry Reading (POE)JV
Claire Grady and Grace Tang4Humorous Duet Acting (HDA)JV
Genevieve Smalley4Dramatic Interpretation (DI)JV
Aly Poani5Humorous Interpretation (HI)JV
Aly Poani5Original Comedy (OC)JV
Dakota Carroll and Kyleigh Hoskins5Humorous Duet Acting (HDA)JV
Virginia Broadbooks5Extemporaneous Speaking (ES)JV
Griffin Wilson and Kellen Wilson6Dramatic Duet Acting (DDA)JV
Braelyn Finley and Genevieve SmalleyFin.Humorous Duet Acting (HDA)JV
Mt. Vernon SISAL Tournament - Next-in Final results
Lucas Carter1Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Nate Wieman1Radio Speaking (RS)Varsity
Josh Eiter2Radio Speaking (RS)Varsity
Norlympia West - Final results
Josh Eiter and Lucas Carter3Dramatic Duet Acting (DDA)Varsity
Lucas Carter3Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Lucas Carter4Humorous Interpretation (HI)Varsity
Audrey Brinkmeyer6Dramatic Interpretation (DI)JV
Griffin Wilson and Kellen Wilson6Dramatic Duet Acting (DDA)JV
Josh Eiter6Radio Speaking (RS)Varsity
Lucas Altman6Original Oratory (OO)Varsity
Norlympia West - JV Final results
Braelyn Finley and Genevieve Smalley1Humorous Duet Acting (HDA)JV
Virginia Broadbooks1Extemporaneous Speaking (ES)JV
Virginia Broadbooks1Impromptu Speaking (IMP)JV
Jocelyn Bradshaw2Original Oratory (OO)JV
Abigail LeBar5Special Occasion Speaking (SOS)JV
Braelyn Finley5Poetry Reading (POE)JV
Griffin Wilson and Kellen Wilson5Humorous Duet Acting (HDA)JV
Jocelyn Bradshaw5Humorous Interpretation (HI)JV
Scheidecker Memorial Tournament - Final results
Josh Eiter2Radio Speaking (RS)Varsity
Josh Eiter and Lucas Carter3Dramatic Duet Acting (DDA)Varsity
Jocelyn Bradshaw5Humorous Interpretation (HI)Varsity
WKU Senior Hilltopper Classic 2019 - Final results
Lucas Carter3Humorous Interpretation (HI)Open
Claire Grady and Grace Tang5Duo Interpretation (DUO)Open
Josh Eiter and Lucas Carter6Duo Interpretation (DUO)Open
Nate Wieman6Broadcasting (BR)Open

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