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Team results

Milwaukee High School of the Arts
A High School team from Wisconsin

Viewing results from 2020-2021. Change season:

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Team sweepstakes results
Competitor results

Competitor results

3rd Annual Polar Plunge Festival - Final results
Rae Rosa1Prose (Pro)Varsity
Hassada Anderson2Solo Serious Acting (SoloS)Varsity
Natayla Stewart3Solo Serious Acting (SoloS)Varsity
Saniyah Reese3Farrago (FARR)Varsity
Madison West Forensic Tournament - Final results
Saniyah Jai Reese2Farrago (POI) (FARR)Open
Saniyah Jai Reese6Prose (Pro)Open
Oshkosh North Forensics Tournament - Final results
Jonah Johnson1Novice Poetry (Poet)Novice
Jonah Johnson2Novice Prose (Pro)Novice
Saniyah Jai Reese2Farrago (FARR)Varsity
Rae Rosa6Varsity Prose (Pro)Varsity
Pirate Invitational - Final results
Saniyah Reese2Farrago (FARR)Varsity
Saniyah Reese2Varsity Prose (Pro)Varsity
Jonah Johnson3Novice Poetry (Poet)Novice
Jonah Johnson4Novice Prose (Pro)Novice
Tom Lynch Tribute Tournament - Final results
Saniyah Reese3Farrago (FARR)Varsity
Whitnall High School Tournament - Final results
Saniyah Reese2Farrago (FARR)Varsity

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