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Team results

Appleton North High School
A High School team from Wisconsin

Viewing results from 2020-2021. Change season:

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Team sweepstakes results
Competitor results

Team sweepstakes results
3Appleton East 2021191
7Tom Lynch Tribute Tournament133

Competitor results

Appleton East 2021 - Final results
Divya Chintamani1Demonstration Speaking (Demo)Varsity
Eliza Weed1Informative Speaking (INF)Varsity
Audra Jenike3Radio Speaking (RS)Varsity
Divya Chintamani3Extemporaneous Speaking (ES)Varsity
Nadia Tallroth3Storytelling (STY)Varsity
Paige Givens3Special Occasion Speaking (SOS)Varsity
Amanda Padgett4Impromptu Speaking (IMP)Varsity
Nadia Tallroth4Demonstration Speaking (Demo)Varsity
Amanda Padgett5Oratory (Ora)Varsity
Leona Wong6Moments in History (Mom)Varsity
Marisa Schuldes6Varsity Poetry (Poet)Varsity
Nadia Tallroth6Informative Speaking (INF)Varsity
Oshkosh North Forensics Tournament - Final results
Amanda Padgett3Impromptu Speaking (IMP)Varsity
Divya Chintamani5Demonstration Speaking (Demo)Varsity
Divya ChintamaniFin.Extemporaneous Speaking (ES)Varsity
Tom Lynch Tribute Tournament - Final results
Audra Jenike1Declamation (OD)Varsity
Paige Givens4Solo Humorous Acting (SoloH)Varsity
Marisa SchuldesFin.Poetry (Poet)Varsity
UW-Whitewater Speech Bowl - Final results
Divya Chintamani3Demonstration Speaking (Demo)Varsity
Marisa Schuldes and Marta Swanson5Group Interpretation (GINRP)Varsity
Nadia Tallroth5Storytelling (STY)Varsity
Paige Givens6Solo Humorous Acting (SoloH)Varsity
Amanda PadgettFin.Oratory (Ora)Varsity
Waupaca Green Tournament - Final results
Marisa Schuldes1Poetry (Poet)Varsity
Divya Chintamani3Demonstration Speaking (Demo)Varsity
Divya Chintamani3Impromptu (IMP)Varsity
Marisa Schuldes and Marta Swanson3Group Interpretation (GINRP)Varsity
Amanda Padgett4Impromptu (IMP)Varsity
Paige Givens5Solo Humorous Acting (SoloH)Varsity
WFCA State Tournament - Final results
Divya Chintamani3Impromptu Speaking (IMP)Varsity
Nadia Tollroth3Storytelling (STY)Varsity
Amanda Padgett4Impromptu Speaking (IMP)Varsity
Wrightstown (virtual) Tournament - Final results
Audra Jenike2Radio Speaking (RS)Varsity
Marisa Schuldes and Marta Swanson4Group Interpretation (GINRP)Varsity
Marisa Schuldes4Poetry (Poet)Varsity
Paige Givens4Special Occasion Speaking (SOS)Varsity
Paige Givens5Solo Humorous Acting (SoloH)Varsity
Amanda PadgettFin.Impromptu Speaking (IMP)Varsity

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