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Team results

Pius X
A High School team from Nebraska

Viewing results from 2022-2023. Change season:

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Team sweepstakes results
Competitor results

Team sweepstakes results
2Millard North Novice 99
4Thunderbird Invitational58
5The Doane Forensic72
5Lincoln Southeast Holiday Joust66
7NSAA District A-2/C2-1 (Lincoln Southwest)130

Competitor results

Beaus and Belles of the Bayou Tournament - Final results
Ryan Hoffschneider4Informative Speaking (INF)Varsity
Beaus and Belles of the Bayou Tournament - Next-in Final results
Johnny Do3Program Oral Interpretation (POI)Varsity
Beaus and Belles of the Bayou Tournament - Merit Final results
Ava Hoffschneider3Informative Speaking (INF)Varsity
Ava Hoffschneider4Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Capital City Classic - Final results
Ava Miller2Novice Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Novice
Ryan Hoffschneider2Varsity Informative Speaking (INF)Varsity
Ava Miller3Novice Oral Interpretation of Poetry (POE)Novice
Dominic Tran5Varsity Informative Speaking (INF)Varsity
Johnny Do5Varsity Program Oral Interpretation (POI)Varsity
Maria Fix5Novice Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Novice
Maria Butler6Novice Impromptu (IMP)Novice
Capital City Classic - Next-in Final results
Nate Fiedler1Novice Informative Speaking (INF)Novice
Louise Pepino2Novice Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Novice
Evelyn Placek4Novice Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Novice
Maria Butler4Novice Informative Speaking (INF)Novice
Ella Schnabel5Novice Informative Speaking (INF)Novice
Central Players Invite - Final results
Ava Hoffschneider5Informative Speaking (INF)Varsity
Stephanie Heimbrecht5Oral Interpretation of Humorous Prose (HP)Varsity
Central Players Invite - Next-in Final results
Ava Hoffschneider1Oral Interpretation of Serious Prose (SP)Varsity
Maria Butler5Informative Speaking (INF)Novice
Lincoln Southeast Holiday Joust - Final results
Ryan Hoffschneider6Entertainment Speaking (ENT)Varsity
Lincoln Southeast Holiday Joust - Next-in Final results
Johnny Do1Program Oral Interpretation (POI)Varsity
Ava Hoffschneider3Informative Speaking (INF)Varsity
Cate Dolezal5Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Ava Miller6Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Lincoln Southeast Holiday Joust - Merit Final results
Stephanie Heimbrecht4Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Lincoln Southeast Holiday Joust - Consolation Final results
Ryan Hoffschneider3Informative Speaking (INF)Varsity
Millard North Invitational - Final results
Andrew Donlan3Impromptu Speaking (IMP)Novice
Millard North Invitational - Next-in Final results
Ava Miller2Poetry Interpretation (POE)Novice
Cate Barry2Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT)Varsity
Ryan Hoffschneider2Informative Speaking (INF)Varsity
Ava Hoffschneider5Informative Speaking (INF)Varsity
Cate Dolezal5Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Cate Dolezal6Impromptu Speaking (IMP)Varsity
Maria Fix6Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Novice
Millard North Novice - Final results
Anna Armstrong1Novice Humorous Interpretaion (HI)Novice
Lydia Koperski3Novice Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Novice
Maria Fix5Novice Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Novice
Nate Fiedler5Novice Informative Speaking (INF)Novice
Ava Miller6Novice Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Novice
Lucy Willis6Novice Informative Speaking (INF)Novice
NSAA District A-2/C2-1 (Lincoln Southwest) - Final results
Ava Hoffschneider1A-2 Informative Speaking (INF)Class A-2
Ava McCoy2A-2 Persuasive Speaking (PER)Class A-2
Cate Barry2A-2 Extemporaneous Speaking (ES)Class A-2
William Cunningham2A-2 Entertainment Speaking (ENT)Class A-2
Ryan Hoffschneider3A-2 Informative Speaking (INF)Class A-2
Stephanie Heimbrecht3A-2 Persuasive Speaking (PER)Class A-2
Johnny Do5A-2 Program Oral Interpretation (POI)Class A-2
Maria Butler5A-2 Entertainment Speaking (ENT)Class A-2
Papillion LaVista - Final results
Ava Miller1Novice Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Novice
Andrew Donlan3Novice Humorous Interpretation (HI)Novice
Ryan Hoffschneider5Varsity Informative (Info)Varsity
Pius X Turkey Talk - Final results
Nate Fiedler2Novice Informative Speaking (INF)Novice
Maria Butler4Novice Informative Speaking (INF)Novice
Jonah Meduna6Novice Humorous Interpretation (HI)Novice
Souper Bowl - Final results
Ryan Hoffschneider6Informative (INF)Varsity
Space Race - Next-in Final results
Stephanie Heimbrecht2Humorous Interpretation (HP)Varsity
Cate Barry6Extemporaneous (ES)Varsity
Space Race - Merit Final results
Ava Miller3Poetry (POE)Varsity
Ryan Hoffschneider4Entertainment (ENT)Varsity
Space Race - Consolation Final results
Ava Miller2Dramatic Interpretation (SP)Varsity
Dominic Tran3Informative (INF)Varsity
Ava McCoy5Persuasive (PER)Varsity
Cate Dolezal6Persuasive (PER)Varsity
The Doane Forensic - Final results
Ava Hoffschneider3Informative Speaking (INF)Varsity
Ava Hoffschneider3Program Oral Interpretation (POI)Varsity
Stephanie Heimbrecht3Oral Interpretation of Humorous Prose (HP)Varsity
Dominic Tran4Informative Speaking (INF)Varsity
Johnny Do6Program Oral Interpretation (POI)Varsity
Thunderbird Invitational - Final results
Ava Hoffschneider5Oral Interpretation of Serious Prose (SP)Varsity
Dominic Tran5Entertainment (ENT)Varsity
Johnny Do5Program of Oral Interpretation (POI)Varsity
Ryan Hoffschneider5Informative Speaking (INF)Varsity
Ava Hoffschneider6Program of Oral Interpretation (POI)Varsity

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