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Team results

Morristown West High School
A High School team from Tennessee

Viewing results from 2022-2023. Change season:

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Team sweepstakes results
Competitor results

Team sweepstakes results
5The University of Alabama Hall of Fame Tournament50
5Sheboygan North VITRUAL Tournament168
6Munster Novice Speech Meet10

Competitor results

Munster Novice Speech Meet - Final results
Emma Lloyd4Poetry Interpretation (POE)Novice
Emma Lloyd4Prepared Prompt Speaking (PrP)Novice
Reeselyn Short5Radio (RS)Novice
Analena DiTullio6Poetry Interpretation (POE)Novice
Jeffrey Glover6Prose Interpretation (PRO)Novice
Liz Medina TorresFin.Prose Interpretation (PRO)Novice
Reeselyn ShortFin.Prose Interpretation (PRO)Novice
Munster Virtual Varsity Meet - Final results
Kimber Strumski2Original Oratory (OO)Varsity
Abigail Snider3POI (POI)Varsity
Sheboygan North VITRUAL Tournament - Final results
Abigail Snider2Farrago (FARR)Varsity
Jeffery Glover2Solo Humorous Acting (SoloH)Varsity
Kayla Skennion3Extemporaneous Speaking (ES)Varsity
Emma Lloyd4Oral Interpretation (OI)Varsity
Holden Smith4Solo Humorous Acting (SoloH)Varsity
Chris Reyes and Henry Martinez5Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Jeffery Glover5Solo Serious Acting (SoloS)Varsity
Joseph Parrott5Farrago (FARR)Varsity
Abigail Snider6Solo Serious Acting (SoloS)Varsity
The University of Alabama Hall of Fame Tournament - Final results
Jeffrey Glover1Prose Interpretation (PRO)Varsity
Abigail Snider2POI (POI)Varsity
Holden Smith2Humorous Interpretation (HI)Varsity
Joseph Parrott2Poetry Interpretation (POE)Varsity
Kai Webb4Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Abigail Snider5Prose Interpretation (PRO)Varsity
Emma Lloyd5Poetry Interpretation (POE)Varsity
Maya Hill6Poetry Interpretation (POE)Varsity
Maya Hill6POI (POI)Varsity

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