Click on a tournament name to view results from that tournament, a competitor name to view results for that competitor, an event to view the team's results in that event, or a final place to view the other results in that event at that tournament.
Felix Myers and Francis Myers | 1 | Duo Interpretation (DUO) | Championship |
Felix Myers and Jamison Dunn | 1 | Public Forum Debate (PF) | Championship |
Isabelle Schmetzer | 1 | Extemp Commentary (EXC) | Championship |
Ben Hedrick | 2 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Championship |
Felix Myers and Isabelle Schmetzer | 2 | Duet Acting (DA) | Championship |
Francis Myers | 2 | Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking (DX) | Championship |
Sally Everson and Kylie Orlando | 2 | Improvised Duet Acting (IMDA) | Championship |
Eliot Holloway and Ben Hedrick | 3 | Duet Acting (DA) | Championship |
Eliot Holloway | 3 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Championship |
Eliot Holloway, Sally Everson, Jamison Dunn, Ben Hedrick, Kylie Orlando and Aiden LaFriniere | 3 | Readers Theatre (RT) | Championship |
Matthew Pepper | 3 | Extemp Commentary (EXC) | Championship |
Sally Everson and Aiden LaFriniere | 3 | Duo Interpretation (DUO) | Championship |
Jamison Dunn | 4 | Original Oratory (OO) | Championship |
Angela Bahna | 5 | Original Oratory (OO) | Championship |
Danica Majeski, Zoe Trafton, Nadine Fikrah and Sarah Todd | 5 | Readers Theatre (RT) | Championship |
Sarah Todd | 6 | Original Oratory (OO) | Championship |
Aiden LaFriniere | 1 | Solo Acting (SOLO) | Open |
Danica Majeski | 1 | Extemp Commentary (EXC) | Open |
Felix Myers and Isabelle Schmetzer | 1 | Duet Acting (DA) | Open |
Isabelle Schmetzer | 1 | Original Oratory (OO) | Open |
Kylie Orlando | 1 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Open |
Kylie Orlando | 1 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Open |
Matthew Pepper | 1 | Informative (Info) | Open |
Sally Everson and Aiden LaFriniere | 1 | Duo Interpretation (DUO) | Open |
Ben Hedrick | 2 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Open |
Eliot Holloway and Ben Hedrick | 2 | Duet Acting (DA) | Open |
Isabelle Schmetzer | 2 | Extemp Commentary (EXC) | Open |
Kylie Orlando | 2 | Solo Acting (SOLO) | Open |
Zoe Trafton and Caellum Wentzel | 2 | Duo Interpretation (DUO) | Open |
Eliot Holloway | 3 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Open |
Felix Myers | 3 | Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT) | Open |
Liam Laybourn, Celine Newman, Matthew Pepper and Reagean Wingard | 3 | Readers Theatre (RT) | Open |
Matthew Pepper and Reagean Wingard | 3 | Duo Interpretation (DUO) | Open |
Sarah Todd | 3 | Solo Acting (SOLO) | Open |
Francis Myers | 4 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Open |
Nadine Fikrah | 4 | Extemp Commentary (EXC) | Open |
Olivia Skan | 4 | Informative (Info) | Open |
Sarah Todd | 4 | Original Oratory (OO) | Open |
Ben Hedrick | 5 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Open |
Enzo Germano | 5 | Original Oratory (OO) | Open |
Olivia Skan and Nadine Fikrah | 5 | Duet Acting (DA) | Open |
Olivia Skan | 5 | Solo Acting (SOLO) | Open |
Eliot Holloway | 6 | Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT) | Open |
Liam Laybourn and Celine Newman | 6 | Duet Acting (DA) | Open |
Aiden LaFriniere | 1 | Solo Acting (SOLO) | High School |
Ben Hedrick | 1 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | High School |
Danica Majeski, Zoe Trafton, Liam Laybourn and Matthew Pepper | 1 | Mime (MI) | High School |
Eliot Holloway, Sally Everson, Jamison Dunn, Ben Hedrick, Kylie Orlando and Aiden LaFriniere | 1 | Reader's Theatre (RT) | High School |
Felix Myers | 1 | Informative Speaking (INF) | High School |
Francis Myers and Cole McLaughlin | 1 | Duet Acting (DA) | High School |
Isabelle Schmetzer and Francis Myers | 1 | Public Forum Debate (PF) | High School |
Naomi Capp | 1 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | High School |
Sally Everson and Aiden LaFriniere | 1 | Duo Interpretation (DUO) | High School |
Angela Bahna | 2 | Original Oratory (OO) | High School |
Eliot Holloway | 2 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | High School |
Felix Myers and Isabelle Schmetzer | 2 | Duet Acting (DA) | High School |
Felix Myers and Jamison Dunn | 2 | Public Forum Debate (PF) | High School |
Isabelle Schmetzer | 2 | Extemp Commentary (EXC) | High School |
Kylie Orlando | 2 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | High School |
Zoe Trafton and Caellum Wentzel | 2 | Duo Interpretation (DUO) | High School |
Ben Hedrick | 3 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | High School |
Danica Majeski and Alice White | 3 | Improvisational Duet Acting (IDA) | High School |
Danica Majeski, Zoe Trafton, Nadine Fikrah and Sarah Todd | 3 | Reader's Theatre (RT) | High School |
Eliot Holloway and Ben Hedrick | 3 | Duet Acting (DA) | High School |
Francis Myers | 3 | Original Oratory (OO) | High School |
Isabelle Schmetzer | 3 | Solo Acting (SOLO) | High School |
Matthew Pepper and Reagean Wingard | 3 | Duo Interpretation (DUO) | High School |
Eliot Holloway | 4 | Solo Acting (SOLO) | High School |
Ian Bagley | 4 | Mime (MI) | High School |
Isabelle Schmetzer | 4 | Original Oratory (OO) | High School |
Lazaria Kubacki | 4 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | High School |
Liam Laybourn, Celine Newman, Matthew Pepper and Reagean Wingard | 4 | Reader's Theatre (RT) | High School |
Naomi Capp and Abbigail Mosley | 4 | Duet Acting (DA) | High School |
Sally Everson and Kylie Orlando | 4 | Improvisational Duet Acting (IDA) | High School |
Kylie Orlando | 5 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | High School |
Sally Everson | 5 | Solo Acting (SOLO) | High School |
Sarah Todd | 5 | Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT) | High School |
Lazaria Kubacki, Abbigail Mosley and Alice White | 6 | Reader's Theatre (RT) | High School |
Naomi Capp | 6 | Solo Acting (SOLO) | High School |
Sarah Todd | 6 | Original Oratory (OO) | High School |
Aiden LaFriniere | 1 | Solo Acting (SOLO) | Open |
Angela Bahna | 1 | Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT) | Open |
Angela Bahna | 1 | Original Oratory (OO) | Open |
Eliot Holloway | 1 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Open |
Eliot Holloway and Ben Hedrick | 1 | Duet Acting (DA) | Open |
Eliot Holloway, Sally Everson, Jamison Dunn, Ben Hedrick, Kylie Orlando and Aiden LaFriniere | 1 | Readers Theatre (RT) | Open |
Felix Myers and Jamison Dunn | 1 | Public Forum Debate (PF) | Open |
Kylie Orlando | 1 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Open |
Nadine Fikrah | 1 | Informative Speaking (INF) | Open |
Sally Everson and Aiden LaFriniere | 1 | Duo Interpretation (DUO) | Open |
Danica Majeski, Zoe Trafton, Liam Laybourn and Matthew Pepper | 2 | Mime (MI) | Open |
Eliot Holloway | 2 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Open |
Felix Myers and Isabelle Schmetzer | 2 | Duet Acting (DA) | Open |
Isabelle Schmetzer and Francis Myers | 2 | Public Forum Debate (PF) | Open |
Matthew Pepper | 2 | Extemp Commentary (EXC) | Open |
Sally Everson and Kylie Orlando | 2 | Improvisational Duet Acting (IDA) | Open |
Zoe Trafton and Caellum Wentzel | 2 | Duo Interpretation (DUO) | Open |
Danica Majeski | 3 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Open |
Danica Majeski, Zoe Trafton, Nadine Fikrah and Sarah Todd | 3 | Readers Theatre (RT) | Open |
Felix Myers | 3 | Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT) | Open |
Francis Myers and Cole McLaughlin | 3 | Duet Acting (DA) | Open |
Francis Myers | 3 | Informative Speaking (INF) | Open |
Isabelle Schmetzer | 3 | Solo Acting (SOLO) | Open |
Jamison Dunn | 3 | Original Oratory (OO) | Open |
Ben Hedrick | 4 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Open |
Eliot Holloway | 4 | Solo Acting (SOLO) | Open |
Francis Myers | 4 | Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT) | Open |
Isabelle Schmetzer | 4 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Open |
Matthew Pepper and Reagean Wingard | 4 | Duo Interpretation (DUO) | Open |
Aiden LaFriniere | 5 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Open |
Danica Majeski and Alice White | 5 | Improvisational Duet Acting (IDA) | Open |
Felix Myers and Francis Myers | 5 | Duo Interpretation (DUO) | Open |
Lazaria Kubacki, Abbigail Mosley and Alice White | 5 | Readers Theatre (RT) | Open |
Naomi Capp | 5 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Open |
Sally Everson | 5 | Solo Acting (SOLO) | Open |
Sarah Todd | 5 | Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT) | Open |
Caellum Wentzel and Reagean Wingard | 6 | Improvisational Duet Acting (IDA) | Open |
Cole McLaughlin | 6 | Informative Speaking (INF) | Open |
Isabelle Schmetzer | 6 | Original Oratory (OO) | Open |
Kylie Orlando | 6 | Solo Acting (SOLO) | Open |
Liam Laybourn, Celine Newman, Matthew Pepper and Reagean Wingard | 6 | Readers Theatre (RT) | Open |
Aiden LaFriniere | 1 | Solo Acting (SOLO) | Open |
Ben Hedrick | 1 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Open |
Danica Majeski, Zoe Trafton, Liam Laybourn and Matthew Pepper | 1 | Mime (MI) | Open |
Felix Myers and Isabelle Schmetzer | 1 | Duet Acting (DA) | Open |
Francis Myers | 1 | Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT) | Open |
Jamison Dunn | 1 | Original Oratory (OO) | Open |
Nadine Fikrah | 1 | Informative Speaking (INF) | Open |
Sally Everson and Aiden LaFriniere | 1 | Duo Interpretation (DUO) | Open |
Eliot Holloway and Ben Hedrick | 2 | Improvisational Duet Acting (IDA) | Open |
Felix Myers and Francis Myers | 2 | Duo Interpretation (DUO) | Open |
Francis Myers and Cole McLaughlin | 2 | Duet Acting (DA) | Open |
Ian Bagley | 2 | Mime (MI) | Open |
Isabelle Schmetzer | 2 | Extemp Commentary (EXC) | Open |
Sally Everson | 2 | Solo Acting (SOLO) | Open |
Danica Majeski | 3 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Open |
Danica Majeski and Abbigail Mosley | 3 | Duo Interpretation (DUO) | Open |
Eliot Holloway and Ben Hedrick | 3 | Duet Acting (DA) | Open |
Eliot Holloway, Sally Everson, Jamison Dunn, Ben Hedrick, Kylie Orlando and Aiden LaFriniere | 3 | Readers Theatre (RT) | Open |
Felix Myers | 3 | Informative Speaking (INF) | Open |
Sarah Todd | 3 | Original Oratory (OO) | Open |
Alice White | 4 | Extemp Commentary (EXC) | Open |
Angela Bahna | 4 | Original Oratory (OO) | Open |
Eliot Holloway | 4 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Open |
Eliot Holloway | 4 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Open |
Felix Myers | 4 | Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT) | Open |
Danica Majeski and Alice White | 5 | Duet Acting (DA) | Open |
Isabelle Schmetzer | 5 | Original Oratory (OO) | Open |
Kylie Orlando | 5 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Open |
Angela Bahna | 6 | Informative Speaking (INF) | Open |
Lazaria Kubacki | 6 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Open |
Liam Laybourn, Matthew Pepper, Caellum Wentzel and Reagean Wingard | 6 | Readers Theatre (RT) | Open |
Naomi Capp and Abbigail Mosley | 6 | Improvisational Duet Acting (IDA) | Open |
Sarah Todd | 6 | Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT) | Open |
Caellum Wentzel and Reagean Wingard | Fin. | Improvisational Duet Acting (IDA) | Open |