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Team results

The Benjamin School
A High School team from Florida-CCFF

Viewing results from 2023-2024. Change season:

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Team sweepstakes results
Competitor results

Competitor results

Le Congrès en Floride IN PERSON IN ORLANDO - Final results
Evelyn Peyovich1Projet (PROJ)Varsity
Angelena Townsend, Emma Lewis F, Ishe Makoni F, Nicole Walsh, Riley Weinberger and RJ Pierman1Chance aux Chansons (CHAN)Varsity
Angelena Townsend1Lecture 4/4F (LEC4)Varsity
Angelena Townsend, Easley Linton Hughes, Evelyn Peyovich, Ishe Makoni, Keane Adam, Nicole Walsh and RJ Pierman1Pièce de théâtre (PIECE)Varsity
Easley Linton Hughes1Lecture 4/4F (LEC4)Varsity
Emma Lewis F1Lecture 2/2F (LEC2)Varsity
Evelyn Peyovich1Lecture 4/4F (LEC4)Varsity
Hailey McCabe1Lecture 2/2F (LEC2)Varsity
Ishe Makoni F1Déclamation 3/3F (DEC3)Varsity
Keane Adam1Déclamation COA-COF (DECCO)Varsity
Lauren Slyh1Lecture COA/COF (LECCO)Varsity
Lucy Molnar1Déclamation 2/2F (dec2)Varsity
Nicole Walsh1Lecture 3/3F (LEC3)Varsity
Riley Weinberger1Album (ALB)Varsity
Riley Weinberger1Lecture 1/1F (LEC1)Varsity
RJ Pierman1Lecture 3/3F (LEC3)Varsity
Sage Ponchock1Déclamation COA-COF (DECCO)Varsity

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