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Team results

John I Leonard High School
A High School team from Florida

Viewing results from 2024-2025. Change season:

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Team sweepstakes results
Competitor results

Competitor results

20th Patriot Games - GMU - Final results
Nicolas ParraFin.Original Oratory (OO)Varsity
FFL Varsity State - Final results
Latricia Lamour1After Dinner Speaking (ADS)Open
Jonathan Sanger2Humorous Interpretation (HI)Open
Florida Oceanfront NSDA District Speech & Debate - Final results
Jonathan Sanger1Humorous Interpretation (HI)Open
Kiesun Moore1Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Open
PBCFL #1 - Final results
Giovanny Lagarde1Congress - Novice (CD)Novice
Lauren Jimenez3Congress - Open (CD)Open
Jeannie Beneche4Congress - Open (CD)Open
Jose Velasquez4Congress - Novice (CD)Novice
Lucian Parker5Congress - Novice (CD)Novice
PBCFL #2 - Final results
Daniela Aguiar2Oral Interpretation - Novice (OI)Novice
Jeannie Beneche4Congressional Debate - Open (CD)Open
Lucian Parker4Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
Sinclair Moore5Oral Interpretation - Novice (OI)Novice
PBCFL #3 - Final results
Jeannie Beneche1Congressional Debate (CD)Open
Lauren Jimenez1Congressional Debate (CD)Open
Sinclair Moore1Oral Interpretation (OI)Open
Aven Rodriguez2Dramatic Performance (DP)Open
Nicolas Parra2Original Oratory (OO)Open
Nicole Ramos3Congressional Debate (CD)Open
Anthony Banegas4Oral Interpretation (OI)Open
Daniela Aguiar5Dramatic Performance (DP)Open
Mariana Reyes5Congressional Debate (CD)Open
PBCFL #4 - Final results
Jose Velasquez1Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
Daniela Aguiar3Dramatic Performance - Novice (DP)Novice
Nicolas Parra3Original Oratory - Open (OO)Open
Solomon Yool4Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
Anabelle Gonzalez5Informative Speaking - Novice (INF)Novice
Carlos Canales5Original Oratory - Open (OO)Open
Jeireen Perez5Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
Sinclair Moore5Oral Interpretation - Novice (OI)Novice
Dawensky Bojilus6Informative Speaking - Novice (INF)Novice
Jariel Murillo6Informative Speaking - Open (INF)Open
Jonathan Sanger6Dramatic Performance - Open (DP)Open
Marco DeLeon6Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
PBCFL #5 - Final results
Jeannie Beneche1Congressional Debate (CD)Open
Jonathan Sanger1Dramatic Performance - Open (DP)Open
Nicolas Parra1Original Oratory - Open (OO)Open
Aven Rodriguez2Dramatic Performance - Open (DP)Open
Nicole Ramos2Congressional Debate (CD)Open
Jose Velasquez4Congressional Debate (CD)Open
Guylendria Beauplan6Dramatic Performance - Open (DP)Open
PBCFL #6 - Final results
Jonathan Sanger1Dramatic Performance - Open (DP)Open
Solomon Yool3Oral Interpretation (OI)Open
Jeannie Beneche4Congressional Debate (CD)Open
Kiesun Moore6Dramatic Performance - Open (DP)Open
PBCFL Grand Finals - Final results
Jonathan Sanger1Dramatic Performance (DP)Open
Nicolas Parra1Original Oratory (OO)Open
Carlos Canales2Original Oratory (OO)Open
Daniela Aguiar3Dramatic Performance (DP)Open
Aven Rodriguez4Dramatic Performance (DP)Open

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