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Team results

Kodiak Shakesbears
A High School team from Alaska

Viewing results from 2024-2025. Change season:

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Team sweepstakes results
Competitor results

Competitor results

Alaska State Championship - Final results
Ariadna Sorto-Chicas1Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Championship
Christina Berestoff and Kylie Eaton2Pantomime (PT)Championship
Aquiles Suarez and Bethany Miland3Duet Acting (DA)Championship
Aquiles Suarez and Christina Berestoff3Improvised Duet Acting (IMDA)Championship
Christina Berestoff3Humorous Interpretation (HI)Championship
Lydia Dagen3Solo Acting (SOLO)Championship
Holly Olsen4Pantomime (PT)Championship
Kylie Eaton4Informative Speaking (Info)Championship
Lydia Dagen4Humorous Interpretation (HI)Championship
Oliver Wynn and Ronan Hinman4Improvised Duet Acting (IMDA)Championship
Caitlyn Chya and Kylie Eaton5Duo Interpretation (DUO)Championship
Ronan Hinman5Humorous Interpretation (HI)Championship
Jillian Dorner6Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Championship
Southeast Alaska Regional Tournament - Final results
Kylie Eaton1Informative Speaking (INF)Open
Swiss Berestoff2Humorous Interpretation (HI)Open
Aquiles Suarez and Swiss Berestoff3Improvisational Duet Acting (IDA)Open
Aquiles Suarez3Solo Acting (SOLO)Open
Lydia Dagen3Humorous Interpretation (HI)Open
Ariadna Sorto-Chicas, Caitlyn Chya, Holly Olson, Ronan Hinman and Tatiana Otto4Readers Theatre (RT)Open
Caitlyn Chya and Kylie Eaton5Duo Interpretation (DUO)Open
Jillian Dorner and Tatiana Otto5Duet Acting (DA)Open
Jillian Dorner6Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Open

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