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Team results

Park Vista Speech & Debate
A High School team from Florida

Viewing results from 2024-2025. Change season:

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Team sweepstakes results
Competitor results

Competitor results

PBCFL #1 - Final results
Blake Barry2Congress - Novice (CD)Novice
Pierson Irving2Congress - Novice (CD)Novice
Jake Phillips5Congress - Novice (CD)Novice
Jet Wang5Congress - Novice (CD)Novice
Max Schachter5Congress - Novice (CD)Novice
Mya Love5Congress - Open (CD)Open
Andrew Gentilin6Congress - Novice (CD)Novice
Mia Cardani6Congress - Novice (CD)Novice
PBCFL #2 - Final results
Aishwarya Motie3Declamation (DEC)Novice
Ameena Kahliq and Srinidhi Venkitasamy3Public Forum Debate (PF)Open
Jake Phillips3Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
Alfyia Hadziosmanovic5Program Oral Interpretation (POI)Open
Harini Para5Congressional Debate - Open (CD)Open
PBCFL #3 - Final results
Blake Barry and Madison-Rhae Crayton2Public Forum Debate - Novice (PF)Novice
Harini Para2Congressional Debate (CD)Open
Lauren Polerecky and Raymond Nguyen2Public Forum Debate - Open (PF)Open
Emily Kerper3Declamation (DEC)Open
Mya Love3Congressional Debate (CD)Open
Alexis Klein4Congressional Debate (CD)Open
Carlye Sanchez and Carter Nelson4Public Forum Debate - Open (PF)Open
Tiana Bahash5Lincoln Douglas Debate - Novice (LD)Novice
Kaitlyn Fletcher6Extemporaneous Speaking - Open (EXT)Open
Mia Cardani6Lincoln Douglas Debate - Novice (LD)Novice
PBCFL #4 - Final results
Pierson Irving2Congressional Debate - Novice (CD)Novice
Tiana Bahash2Lincoln Douglas Debate - Novice (LD)Novice
Emily Kerper3Lincoln Douglas Debate - Novice (LD)Novice
Carlye Sanchez and Carter Nelson6Public Forum Debate - Open (PF)Open
Mia Cardani6Lincoln Douglas Debate - Novice (LD)Novice

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