Abby Greider | 1 | Impromptu Speaking (IMP) | Novice |
Mercylin Mbuguah | 1 | Poetry Reading (POE) | Novice |
Shelbi Ankenbruck | 1 | Discussion (DIS) | Novice |
Abby Grider | 2 | United States Extemporaneous Speaking (USX) | Novice |
Olivia Holman | 2 | Poetry Reading (POE) | Novice |
Adam Miller | 3 | Impromptu Speaking (IMP) | Novice |
Scott Lengerich | 3 | Student Congress (SC) | Novice |
Zaragosa Morales | 3 | Discussion (DIS) | Novice |
Dakota Steed and Jameson Bush | 4 | Duo Interpretation (Scripted) (SD) | Novice |
Jameson Bush | 4 | Oratorical Declamation (OD) | Novice |
Kerri Bowman and Madison Long | 5 | Duo Interpretation (Scripted) (SD) | Novice |
Alysia Buffenbarger and Jerel McCord | 6 | Duo Interpretation (Scripted) (SD) | Novice |
Shelbi Ankenbruck | 6 | Prose Reading (PRO) | Novice |
Abby Grider | 1 | Impromptu Speaking (IMP) | Novice |
Dakota Steed and Jameson Bush | 1 | Duo Interpretation (Memorized) (MD) | Novice |
Mercylin Mbuguah | 1 | Poetry Reading (POE) | Novice |
Shelbi Ankenbruck/Katie Sheppard | 1 | Original Performance (OP) | Novice |
Abby Grider | 2 | United States Extemporaneous Speaking (USX) | Novice |
Adam Miller | 2 | United States Extemporaneous Speaking (USX) | Novice |
Ismael Aldave | 2 | Impromptu Speaking (IMP) | Novice |
Adam Miller | 3 | Impromptu Speaking (IMP) | Novice |
Brittni Clopton | 3 | Broadcasting (BR) | Novice |
Cynthia Grieser | 4 | Poetry Reading (POE) | Novice |
Ismael Aldave | 4 | United States Extemporaneous Speaking (USX) | Novice |
Mercylin Mbuguah | 6 | Prose Reading (PRO) | Novice |
Austin Lewellen | 1 | Varsity Spontaneous Argumentation (SPAR) | Varsity |
Abby Grider | 2 | Novice Student Congress (SC) | Novice |
Shelbi Ankenbruck | 3 | Novice Student Congress (SC) | Novice |
Christopher Spalding | 4 | Varsity Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD) | Varsity |
Olivia Holman | 5 | Novice Student Congress (SC) | Novice |
Shelbi Ankenbruck | 6 | Novice Spontaneous Argumentation (SPAR) | Novice |
Brittni Clopton | Fin. | Novice Student Congress (SC) | Novice |
Gavin Willliams | Fin. | Varsity Student Congress (SC) | Varsity |
Robert VanDyke | Fin. | Varsity Student Congress (SC) | Varsity |
Lydia Heller | 1 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Varsity |
Austin Lewellen | 2 | International Extemporaneous Speaking (IX) | Varsity |
Christopher Spalding and Gabey Walburn | 2 | Duo Interpretation (Memorized) (MD) | Varsity |
Jenna Klinedinst and Susan Mertz | 2 | Duo Interpretation (Scripted) (SD) | Varsity |
Susan Mertz | 2 | Declamation (OD) | Varsity |
Brittni Clopton | 3 | Broadcasting (BR) | Varsity |
Christopher Spalding | 3 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Varsity |
Jenna Klinedinst | 3 | Original Performance (OPERF) | Varsity |
Oliva Holman | 3 | Poetry Reading (POE) | Varsity |
Robert Van Dyke | 3 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Varsity |
Emma Walker and Oliva Holman | 4 | Duo Interpretation (Memorized) (MD) | Varsity |
Robert Van Dyke | 4 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Varsity |
Taylor White | 4 | Prose Reading (PRO) | Varsity |
Mercylin Mbuguah | 5 | Poetry Reading (POE) | Varsity |
Zin Naing | 5 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Varsity |
Austin Lewellen | 6 | Original Oratory (OO) | Varsity |
Carrie Hart | 6 | Prose Reading (PRO) | Varsity |
Joe Donnelly | 6 | Broadcasting (BR) | Varsity |
Cynthia Greiser | Fin. | Poetry Reading (POE) | Varsity |
Dakota Steed and Jameson Bush | Fin. | Duo Interpretation (Memorized) (MD) | Varsity |
Mary Donnelly | Fin. | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Varsity |
Robert VanDyke | 3 | Student Congress - Presiding Officers (SCPO) | Varsity |
Christopher Spalding | 2 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Varsity |
Norene Mamani | 3 | Poetry Reading (POE) | Varsity |
Austin Lewellen | 4 | Impromptu Speaking (IMP) | Varsity |
Austin Lewellen | 4 | International Extemporaneous Speaking (IX) | Varsity |
Christopher Spalding and Gabey Walburn | 4 | Duo Interpretation (Memorized) (MD) | Varsity |
Mary Donnelly | 4 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Varsity |
Jenna Klinedinst | 5 | Original Performance (OP) | Varsity |
Adam Miller | Fin. | United States Extemporaneous Speaking (USX) | Varsity |
Kerri Bowman and Madison Long | Fin. | Duo Interpretation (Scripted) (SD) | Varsity |
Robert Van Dyke | Fin. | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Varsity |
Robert Van Dyke | Fin. | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Varsity |
Ismael Aldave | Fin. | United States Extemporaneous Speaking (USX) | Varsity |
Madeleine Schulenberg | Fin. | Broadcasting (BR) | Varsity |
Autumn Ault | Fin. | Impromptu Speaking (IMP) | Varsity |
Damar Whitt and Vashon Stalling | Fin. | Duo Interpretation (Scripted) (SD) | Varsity |
Austin Lewellen | 1 | International Extemporaneous Speaking (IX) | Varsity |
Christopher Spalding and Gabey Walburn | 1 | Duo Interpretation (Memorized) (MD) | Varsity |
Kasey Bailey | 1 | Poetry Reading (POE) | Varsity |
Shelbi Ankenbruck/Katie Sheppard | 1 | Original Performance (OP) | Varsity |
Susan Mertz | 1 | Oratorical Declamation (OD) | Varsity |
Alyssa Buffenbarger and Jerel McCord | 2 | Duo Interpretation (Scripted) (SD) | Varsity |
Christopher Spalding | 2 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Varsity |
Emma Walker and Olivia Holman | 2 | Duo Interpretation (Memorized) (MD) | Varsity |
Olivia Holman | 2 | Poetry Reading (POE) | Varsity |
Scott Lengerich | 2 | Congress (SC) | Varsity |
Dakota Steed and Jameson Bush | 3 | Duo Interpretation (Memorized) (MD) | Varsity |
Mercylin Mbuguah | 3 | Poetry Reading (POE) | Varsity |
Austin Lewellen | 4 | Original Oratory (OO) | Varsity |
Brittni Clopton | 4 | Broadcasting (BR) | Varsity |
Jameson Bush | 4 | Poetry Reading (POE) | Varsity |
Autumn Ault | 5 | Impromptu Speaking (IMP) | Varsity |
Ismael Aldave | 5 | United States Extemporaneous Speaking (USX) | Varsity |
Kerri Bowman and Madison Long | 5 | Duo Interpretation (Scripted) (SD) | Varsity |
Robert Van Dyke | 5 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Varsity |
Autumn Ault | 6 | United States Extemporaneous Speaking (USX) | Varsity |
Ismael Aldave | 6 | Impromptu Speaking (IMP) | Varsity |
Norene Mamani | 6 | Original Oratory (OO) | Varsity |
Robert Van Dyke | 6 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Varsity |
Taylor White | 6 | Prose Reading (PRO) | Varsity |
Zin Naing | 6 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Varsity |
Carrie Hart | Fin. | Prose Reading (PRO) | Varsity |
Gavin Willliams | Fin. | Broadcasting (BR) | Varsity |
Mary Donnelly | Fin. | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Varsity |
Rachel Klotz | Fin. | Discussion (DIS) | Varsity |
Joe Donnelly | Fin. | Broadcasting (BR) | Varsity |
Shelbi Ankenbruck | 2 | Novice Student Congress (SC) | Novice |
Emma Walker | 5 | Varsity Student Congress (SC) | Varsity |
Christopher Spalding | 1 | Varsity Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Varsity |
Kerri Bowman and Madison Long | 1 | Novice Duo Interpretation (Scripted) (SD) | Novice |
Abby Grider | 2 | Novice Impromptu Speaking (IMP) | Novice |
Christopher Spalding and Gabey Walburn | 2 | Varsity Duo Interpretation (Memorized) (MD) | Varsity |
Mercylin Mbuguah | 2 | Novice Poetry Reading (POE) | Novice |
Zin Naing | 2 | Varsity Prose Reading (PRO) | Varsity |
Ismael Aldave | 3 | Novice United States Extemporaneous Speaking (USX) | Novice |
Katie Sheppard and Shelbi Ankenbruck | 3 | Novice Duo Interpretation (Scripted) (SD) | Novice |
Olivia Holman | 3 | Novice Poetry Reading (POE) | Novice |
Brittni Clopton | 4 | Novice Broadcasting (BR) | Novice |
Saherra Blocher and Virginia Phillips | 4 | Novice Duo Interpretation (Scripted) (SD) | Novice |
Abby Grider | 5 | Novice United States Extemporaneous Speaking (USX) | Novice |
Adam Miller | 5 | Novice Impromptu Speaking (IMP) | Novice |
Alysia Buffenbarger and Jerel McCord | 5 | Novice Duo Interpretation (Scripted) (SD) | Novice |
Joe Donnelly | 5 | Varsity Discussion (DIS) | Varsity |
Robert Van Dyke | 5 | Varsity Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Varsity |
Adam Miller | 6 | Novice United States Extemporaneous Speaking (USX) | Novice |
Austin Lewellen | 6 | Varsity Impromptu Speaking (IMP) | Varsity |
Austin Lewellen | 6 | Varsity International Extemporaneous Speaking (IX) | Varsity |
Jacob Ganser | Fin. | Varsity Discussion (DIS) | Varsity |
Norene Mamani | Fin. | Varsity Poetry Reading (POE) | Varsity |
Zaragosa Morales | Fin. | Novice Discussion (DIS) | Novice |
Ismael Aldave | 6 | International Extemporaneous Speaking (IX) | Varsity |