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Team results

Homestead High School
A High School team from Wisconsin

Viewing results from 2014-2015. Change season:

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Team sweepstakes results
Competitor results

Team sweepstakes results
2UW-Whitewater Speech Bowl311
3Sheboygan North Tournament 2015266

Competitor results

2015 WFCA State Tournament - Final results
Cali Weigert2Storytelling (STY)Varsity
William Clark and David Giersch2Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Amanda Moser, Madeline Sternman, Holland Cummisford and Haley Waise3Group Interpretation (GINRP)Varsity
Josh Glasstein3Radio Speaking (RS)Varsity
Mitchel Larson3Special Occasion Speaking (SOS)Varsity
Kate Gorinski, Sophia Bern, Becca Chavin and Tiffany Liu6Group Interpretation (GINRP)Varsity
Sheboygan North Tournament 2015 - Final results
Alessandra Gouverner1Oral Interpretation (OI)Varsity
Alex Gieske and Katherine Glueckert1Play Acting (Play)Varsity
Amanda Moser, Madeline Sternman, Holland Cummisford and Haley Waise1Group Interpretation (GINRP)Varsity
Cali Weigert1Storytelling (STY)Varsity
Serena Zacharias1Farrago (FARR)Varsity
Vidyashree Jayanthi1Radio Speaking (RS)Varsity
Becky Martin2Demonstration Speaking (Demo)Varsity
Emily Harley and Jennifer Harley2Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Grishma Reddy and madeline gabor2Play Acting (Play)Varsity
Mitchell Baubonis2Extemporaneous Speaking (ES)Varsity
Isabella Scaffidi3Oratory (Ora)Varsity
Kileigh Erickson3Moments in History (Mom)Varsity
Allie Gehr4Demonstration Speaking (Demo)Varsity
David Giersch4Prose (Pro)Varsity
Katie Cao4Oratory (Ora)Varsity
Hanna Tseng5Demonstration Speaking (Demo)Varsity
Tim Han6Poetry (Poet)Varsity
UW-Whitewater Speech Bowl - Final results
Becky Martin1Demonstration Speaking (Demo)Varsity
William Clark and David Giersch1Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Alex Gieske and Katherine Glueckert2Play Acting (Play)Varsity
Amanda Moser, Madeline Sternman, Holland Cummisford and Haley Waise2Group Interpretation (GINRP)Varsity
Josh Glasstein2Radio Speaking (RS)Varsity
Kileigh Erickson2Moments in History (Mom)Varsity
Katie Cao3Oratory (Ora)Varsity
Hanna Tseng4Demonstration Speaking (Demo)Varsity
Melissa Le, Reilly Albert and Emily Limbach4Group Interpretation (GINRP)Varsity
Emily Harley and Jennifer Harley5Duo Interpretation (DUO)Varsity
Maddie Atinsky and Daniela Garlisi 5Group Interpretation (GINRP)Varsity
Alessandra Gouverner6Oral Interpretation (OI)Varsity
Kristina Smeshko6Prose (Pro)Varsity
Lauren Klein6Demonstration Speaking (Demo)Varsity
Miranda Grisa6Prose (Pro)Varsity
Serena Zacharias6Farrago (FARR)Varsity

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