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Team results

Sitka High School
A High School team from Alaska

Viewing results from 2024-2025. Change season:

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Team sweepstakes results
Competitor results

Team sweepstakes results
1Ketchikan DDF Meet135

Competitor results

Alaska State Championship - Final results
Aiden LaFriniere and Francis Myers1Duo Interpretation (DUO)Championship
Aiden LaFriniere1Solo Acting (SOLO)Championship
Angela Bahna1Foreign Extemporaneous Speaking (FX)Championship
Aiden LaFriniere2Humorous Interpretation (HI)Championship
Angela Bahna and Francis Myers2Public Forum Debate (PF)Championship
Francis Myers, Olivia Skan and Reagean Wingard3Readers Theatre (RT)Championship
Angela Bahna4Original Oratory (OO)Championship
Naomi Capp and Lazaria Kubacki4Duo Interpretation (DUO)Championship
Celine Newman5Solo Acting (SOLO)Championship
Lazaria Kubacki and Abbigail Mosley5Duet Acting (DA)Championship
Olivia Skan5Original Oratory (OO)Championship
Sarah Todd6Original Oratory (OO)Championship
Juneau Drama Debate Forensics Tournament - Final results
Aiden LaFriniere and Francis Myers1Duo Interpretation (DUO)High School
Aiden LaFriniere1Humorous Interpretation (HI)High School
Aiden LaFriniere, Francis Myers and Reagean Wingard1Reader's Theatre (RT)High School
Angela Bahna and Francis Myers1Public Forum Debate (PF)High School
Francis Myers1Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT)High School
Aiden LaFriniere2Solo Acting (SOLO)High School
Francis Myers2Dramatic Interpretation (DI)High School
Naomi Capp and Reagean Wingard2Duet Acting (DA)High School
Sarah Todd and Reagean Wingard2Public Forum Debate (PF)High School
Angela Bahna3Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT)High School
Ian Bagley3Mime (MI)High School
Liam Laybourn and Aaron Elstad3Mime (MI)High School
Angela Bahna4Informative Speaking (INF)High School
Lazaria Kubacki4Dramatic Interpretation (DI)High School
Sarah Todd4Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT)High School
Cemre Yenigelen5Original Oratory (OO)High School
Naomi Capp and Lazaria Kubacki5Duo Interpretation (DUO)High School
Sarah Todd5Informative Speaking (INF)High School
Sarah Todd5Solo Acting (SOLO)High School
Caellum Wentzel6Extemp Commentary (EXC)High School
Celine Newman6Solo Acting (SOLO)High School
Naomi Capp6Dramatic Interpretation (DI)High School
Sarah Todd6Original Oratory (OO)High School
Ketchikan DDF Meet - Final results
Aiden LaFriniere and Francis Myers1Duo Interpretation (DUO)Open
Aiden LaFriniere1Humorous Interpretation (HI)Open
Aiden LaFriniere1Solo Acting (SOLO)Open
Angela Bahna and Francis Myers1Public Forum Debate (PF)Open
Francis Myers1Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT)Open
Lazaria Kubacki2Solo Acting (SOLO)Open
Olivia Skan and Reagean Wingard2Public Forum Debate (PF)Open
Sarah Todd2Informative Speaking (INF)Open
Abbigail Mosley3Solo Acting (SOLO)Open
Aiden LaFriniere, Olivia Skan and Reagean Wingard3Readers Theatre (RT)Open
Angela Bahna3Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT)Open
Caellum Wentzel3Humorous Interpretation (HI)Open
Ian Bagley3Mime (MI)Open
Francis Myers4Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Open
Ian Bagley4Solo Acting (SOLO)Open
Liam Laybourn and Aaron Elstad4Mime (MI)Open
Olivia Skan4Original Oratory (OO)Open
Lazaria Kubacki5Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Open
Sarah Todd5Solo Acting (SOLO)Open
Angela Bahna6Informative Speaking (INF)Open
Jack Stevens6Solo Acting (SOLO)Open
Naomi Capp6Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Open
Naomi Capp and Reagean Wingard6Duet Acting (DA)Open
Sarah Todd6Original Oratory (OO)Open
Aiden LaFriniere and Reagean WingardFin.Improvisational Duet Acting (IDA)Open
Caellum WentzelFin.Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Open
Southeast Alaska Regional Tournament - Final results
Aiden LaFriniere and Francis Myers1Duo Interpretation (DUO)Open
Aiden LaFriniere1Humorous Interpretation (HI)Open
Aiden LaFriniere, Olivia Skan and Reagean Wingard1Readers Theatre (RT)Open
Aiden LaFriniere1Solo Acting (SOLO)Open
Francis Myers1Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT)Open
Angela Bahna2Extemporaneous Speaking (EXT)Open
Angela Bahna and Francis Myers2Public Forum Debate (PF)Open
Ian Bagley2Mime (MI)Open
Lazaria Kubacki and Abbigail Mosley2Duet Acting (DA)Open
Naomi Capp and Lazaria Kubacki3Duo Interpretation (DUO)Open
Naomi Capp, Lazaria Kubacki, Abbigail Mosley and Cemre Yenigelen3Readers Theatre (RT)Open
Reagean Wingard3Informative Speaking (INF)Open
Naomi Capp4Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Open
Caellum Wentzel5Humorous Interpretation (HI)Open
Celine Newman5Solo Acting (SOLO)Open
Francis Myers5Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Open
Reagean Wingard5Extemp Commentary (EXC)Open
Abbigail Mosley6Solo Acting (SOLO)Open
Avery Moctezuma-Hernandez6Extemp Commentary (EXC)Open
Caellum Wentzel and Avery Moctezuma-Hernandez6Duo Interpretation (DUO)Open
Naomi Capp and Reagean Wingard6Duet Acting (DA)Open

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