Henry Almoney | 3 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Varsity |
Amelia Butler | 1 | Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD) | Varsity |
Anna Peters and Kiera Lindsey | 1 | Public Forum Debate (PF) | Varsity |
Alara Ozcan and Ava Flansburg | 2 | Public Forum Debate (PF) | Novice |
Evie Davis | 1 | POI (POI) | Varsity |
Henry Almoney | 1 | Humor (HI) | Varsity |
Tristan Williams | 1 | Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD) | Varsity |
Charlotte Schnell and Lizzie Stack | 2 | Duo (DUO) | Varsity |
Amelia Butler | 4 | Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD) | Varsity |
Ava Crawford and Bahar Nasehi | 4 | Duo (DUO) | Varsity |
Matthew Walton and Taylor Brown | 6 | Public Forum Debate (PF) | Varsity |
Abbie Saxen and Lucas Quintero Romanowski | 1 | Public Forum Debate (PF) | Varsity |
Amelia Butler | 1 | Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD) | Varsity |
Charlotte Schnell and Lizzie Stack | 1 | Duo Interpretation (DUO) | Novice |
Kate Silvain | 1 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Novice |
Matthew Walton and Taylor Brown | 1 | Public Forum Debate (PF) | Varsity |
Mila Gelbart | 2 | Original Oratory (OO) | Novice |
Ben Sayer and Maverick O'Hara | 3 | Public Forum Debate (PF) | Varsity |
Eva Meehan and Oliver Roederer | 5 | Public Forum Debate (PF) | Varsity |
Oliver Spaulding | 1 | Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD) | Varsity |
Evie Davis | 1 | Program Oral Interpretation (POI) | Varsity |
Charlotte Schnell and Lizzie Stack | 2 | Duo Interpretation (DUO) | Varsity |
Henry Almoney | 2 | Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Varsity |
Liam Vish | 2 | Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD) | Varsity |
Matthew Walton and Taylor Brown | 2 | Public Forum Debate (PF) | Varsity |
Ruth Glaser | 2 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Varsity |
Eva Meehan and Oliver Roederer | 3 | Public Forum Debate (PF) | Varsity |
Kate Silvain | 3 | Dramatic Interpretation (DI) | Novice |
Madeline Vish | 4 | Informative Speaking (INF) | Novice |
Neil Heckman | 6 | Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD) | Varsity |
Amelia Butler | 1 | Bid Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD) | Bid |
Anna Peters and Kiera Lindsey | 1 | Bid Public Forum Debate (PF) | Bid |
Ava Crawford | 1 | Declamation (DEC) | Varsity |
Bea Drummy | 1 | Congressional Debate (CD) | Varsity |
Ben Sayer and Maverick O'Hara | 1 | Public Forum Debate (PF) | Varsity |
Caleb Walton | 1 | Congressional Debate (CD) | Varsity |
Cameron Lindsey | 1 | United States Extemporaneous Speaking (USX) | Varsity |
Charlotte Schnell and Lizzie Stack | 1 | Bid Duo Interpretation (DUO) | Bid |
Erin Geraghty | 1 | International Extemporaneous Speaking (IX) | Varsity |
Eva Meehan and Oliver Roederer | 1 | Bid Public Forum Debate (PF) | Bid |
Evie Davis | 1 | Bid Program Oral Interpretation (POI) | Bid |
Graham Mhaskar | 1 | Congressional Debate (CD) | Varsity |
Henry Almoney | 1 | Bid Humorous Interpretation (HI) | Bid |
Liam Vish | 1 | Bid Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD) | Bid |
Matthew Walton and Taylor Brown | 1 | Bid Public Forum Debate (PF) | Bid |
Maze Li Kudera | 1 | Bid United States Extemporaneous Speaking (USX) | Bid |
Mila Gelbart | 1 | Original Oratory (OO) | Varsity |
Neil Heckman | 1 | Bid Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD) | Bid |
Oliver Spaulding | 1 | Bid Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD) | Bid |
Reese Dunnington | 1 | Bid Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD) | Bid |
Robert Einhorn | 1 | Bid Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD) | Bid |
Sarah Redden | 1 | Informative Speaking (INF) | Varsity |
Tristan Williams | 1 | Bid Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD) | Bid |
Reese Dunnington | 3 | Lincoln Douglas Debate (LD) | Varsity |
Caleb Walton | 1 | Congressional Debate (CD) | Varsity |
Bea Drummy | 2 | Congressional Debate (CD) | Varsity |
Anna Peters and Kiera Lindsey | 1 | Public Forum Debate (PF) | Varsity |
Caleb Walton | 1 | Congressional Debate (CD) | Varsity |
Maze Li Kudera | 1 | United States Extemporaneous Speaking (USX) | Varsity |
Erin Geraghty | 2 | International Extemporaneous Speaking (IX) | HS Novice |
Graham Mhaskar | 2 | Congressional Debate (CD) | Varsity |
Robert Einhorn | 3 | Lincoln-Douglas Debate (LD) | Varsity |
Bea Drummy | 5 | Congressional Debate (CD) | Varsity |
Ollie Delong | Fin. | United States Extemporaneous Speaking (USX) | HS Novice |
Reese Dunnigton | Fin. | Lincoln-Douglas Debate (LD) | Varsity |
Annalise Hardern | Fin. | Lincoln-Douglas Debate (LD) | HS Novice |
Grey Skorupan | Fin. | Congressional Debate (CD) | Varsity |
Danny Vish | Fin. | United States Extemporaneous Speaking (USX) | HS Novice |
Violet Meehan | Fin. | Congressional Debate (CD) | HS Novice |
Kaitlyn Sayer | Fin. | Congressional Debate (CD) | HS Novice |
Charlotte Spaulding | Fin. | Congressional Debate (CD) | Varsity |