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Team results

Hamilton Southeastern
A High School team from Indiana

Viewing results from 2011-2012. Change season:

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Team sweepstakes results
Competitor results

Team sweepstakes results
5Fishers Forensic Festival50
6Park Tudor Invitational 45

Competitor results

Fishers Forensic Festival - Final results
Gabbi Boyd1Varsity Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Maddie Deeken1Varsity Prose Reading (PRO)Varsity
Eileen Porzuczek2Novice Prose Reading (PRO)Novice
Andrea Nguyen3Discussion (DIS)Varsity
Kaitlyn Hamke3Novice Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Novice
Kaylis Dyer4Varsity Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
IHSFA Section 5 at Park Tudor (2012) - Final results
Dan Resler and Gabbi Boyd3Duo Interpretation (Scripted) (SD)Varsity
Gabbi Boyd5Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Lawrence North Hope for No Snow Tournament - Final results
Dan Resler and Gabbi Boyd2Duo Interpretation (Scripted) (SD)Varsity
Gabbi Boyd4Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Andrea Nguyen5Discussion (DIS)Varsity
Kaylis DyerFin.Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Sunna AhmadFin.Discussion (DIS)Varsity
Eileen PortzuczekFin.Prose Reading (PRO)Varsity
Kaylis DyerFin.Impromptu Speaking (IMP)Varsity
Eileen PortzuczekFin.Impromptu Speaking (IMP)Varsity
Park Tudor Invitational - Final results
Gabbi Boyd2Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Dan Resler and Gabbi Boyd3Duo Interpretation (Scripted) (SD)Varsity
Ian Boyd4International Extemporaneous Speaking (IX)Varsity
Alex Gandy5Original Performance (OP)Varsity
Angelo Bautista6Prose Reading (PRO)Varsity
Southside Speech Smackdown - Final results
Gabbi Boyd4Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Kaylis Dyer5Dramatic Interpretation (DI)Varsity
Ian Boyd6International Extemporaneous Speaking (IX)Varsity

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